Cod Liver Oil

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Other Names: Aceite de Higado de Bacalao, Acides Gras Oméga 3, Acides Gras N-3, Acides Gras Polyinsaturés, Cod Oil, Fish Liver Oil, Fish Oil, Halibut Liver Oil, Huile de Foie, Huile de Foie de Flétan, Huile de Foie de Morue, Huile de Foie de Poisson, Huile de Morue, Huile de Poisson, Liver Oil, N-3 Fatty Acids, Omega 3, Oméga 3, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Omega-3, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.
Cod liver oil can be obtained from eating fresh cod liver or by taking supplements.
See also :

Special Precautions of Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil has a variety of health benefits but has serious side effects as well. It should be taken with caution.Cod liver oil has been touted as a remedy for everything from arthritis to heart disease. A steady stream of research has affirmed its ability to treat or prevent a number of health problems, and its popularity is growing rapidly. While the supplement appears to hold great promise, it also has numerous potential side effects and should be taken with caution.Cod liver oil's effectiveness stems mainly from its large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which seem to provide relief from a variety of ailments. However, in large amounts, these same acids can pose great health risks, particularly when taken in supplement form rather than included in the diet by eating foods rich in omega-3 acids. While many people may find great benefit from taking cod liver oil, anyone considering taking the supplement should be aware of these potential side effects:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids can interfere with the blood's ability to clot, thus increasing the risk of hemorrhagic strokes. By inhibiting clotting ability, it can also raise the risk for internal bleeding. Supplements should not be taken by anyone on anti-coagulant medication, anyone who has a bleeding disorder, or anyone with uncontrolled high blood pressure, a condition that already places them at greater risk for a stroke. Fish oils also should be discontinued two weeks before having surgery and one week after, to prevent complications from the blood's decreased ability to clot.
  • Omega-3 acids are fats, and like all fats they contain large amounts of calories. Following some of the recommended dosage guidelines would add 200 calories a day to a person's diet. People taking supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids may need to change their diet to ensure they don't include too much fat, which could also cause health problems.
  • Cod liver oil, whether taken in liquid or capsule form, is the richest source of vitamins A and D, which can be dangerous when taken in large amounts. These vitamins are essential, and in fact, too little of either can cause health problems, but taking too much can also be risky. Too much vitamin A can cause birth defects, so amounts should be limited for women of childbearing age. It is also that believed that too much vitamin A can interfere with bone growth and make the bones prone to fractures. Vitamin D is also dangerous in large amounts, and overdosing on the vitamin can be toxic.
  • People with diabetes should only use cod liver oil under the close supervision of a doctor, because the supplement could make their condition worse. According to some research, fish oil supplements may make blood sugar levels harder to control in diabetic patients, which would raise the risk of complications and could cause life-threatening side effects.
  • In large doses, fish oils can suppress the immune system, leaving the body more vulnerable to infection and disease. Anyone whose immune system is already compromised should use caution when taking cod liver oil supplements.
  • Cod liver oil is derived from the liver, which filters and detoxifies the blood. Because of this, the liver could contain highly-concentrated levels of toxins, contaminating any supplements made from it. Because other fish oil supplements are made from other parts of the fish, they are less likely to be contaminated.
  • Not all of the side effects are potentially fatal, however. Cod liver oil can also cause less severe complications such as nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, bad breath, heartburn and belching). Taking very large amounts could also cause the body to give off a fishy odor.
  • Potential Drug Interactions : Cod liver oil can cause potentially life-threatening complications when taken with certain medications, both over-the-counter and prescription. Fish oils can enhance the blood-thinning effects of many medications, leading to internal hemorrhaging or excess bleeding. Because of this, cod liver oil and other fish oils should never be taken in conjunction with anti-coagulant medications, including aspirin, dalteperin sodium, enoxaparin sodium injections and warfarin.
  • Cod liver oil is one of the most popular nutritional supplements on the market and holds promise in treating a wide range of medical conditions. However, it may not be the best option for everyone. Its rich supply of omega-3 fatty acids, the very things that make it so potent, are also what makes it so potentially dangerous. When taken in large amounts, these acids can lead to life-threatening complications, including increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke and internal bleeding. Before taking cod liver oil supplements, it is safest to research their potential side effects and consult a doctor to help lessen the risk of complications.

The benefits of Cod Liver Oil are

It is one of the most reliable and concentrated food sources of four nutrients that are essential to human health: DHA, EPA, vitamin A, and vitamin D.

  • These four nutrients are needed for:
    • Healthy skin
    • Strong bones and teeth
    • Healthy joints
    • A healthy cardiovascular system
    • A healthy nervous system and prevention of depression and other mood disorders
    • A healthy digestive tract
  • DHA is a fatty acid that is essential to the health of your nervous system and eyes.It is vital to preventing depression. If you suffer from intermittent or chronic depression, you want to get DHA through your diet every day.If you're pregnant or you plan on getting pregnant, it's best that you eat foods with DHA on a regular basis in order to support proper development of your baby’s nervous system and prevent depression during pregnancy and after your baby arrives. I am convinced that the vast majority of cases of post partum depression can be avoided just by ensuring adequate intake of DHA.
  • EPA is a fatty acid that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and decreases inflammation throughout your body. Its anti-inflammatory properties make EPA especially helpful to people who suffer with arthritis. EPA is also closely linked with your emotional health, with many studies showing that it plays a strong role in preventing depression.
  • Vitamin A is necessary for proper vision, healthy skin, and strong mucosal linings, including the lining of your digestive tract. Many skin and digestive disorders cannot fully heal without adequate vitamin A intake.
  • Vitamin D is needed to reduce risk of virtually every type of cancer.Vitamin D is essential to maintaining strong bones and teeth. It enhances the strength and efficiency of your immune system, and decreases your risk of developing autoimmune conditions. Vitamin D helps your body regulate its blood sugar levels, playing an important role in preventing type 2 diabetes. Finally, vitamin D is one of several nutrients that are necessary for preventing high blood pressure.

Please note: For most people, a safe dosage of cod liver oil is approximately one teaspoon per 50 pounds of body weight per day.

Main Combinations

Fraction consolidation : Bamboo + Cod Liver Oil + Krill Oil