Ferrum Phosphoricum

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Other Names : Ferrum Phos, Ferr-p, Iron Phosphate

Special Precautions of Ferrum Phosphoricum

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.

Benefits and uses of Ferrum Phosphoricum are

  • Fever: These are the types of fevers that normally start slow and turn quickly into hot flashes of sorts. Ferrum phos may work to help the body naturally bring down the fever and to get to the root cause of the problem and related symptoms.
  • Respiratory Illness: This is usually a cold that starts slowly and may even have a dry cough or nosebleed present at the beginning. The throat may be sore or hoarse and there may be difficulty in breathing normally. Ferrum phos. assists the body with related symptoms for this type of illness.
  • Earache: Ferrum phos works well as a homeopathic remedy for pain or itching in or around the ear. There may be hearing loss and the pain may be all over in the general area of the ear or concentrated in just one area.
  • Poor Circulation: This health condition may contribute to varicose veins that may be painful in nature. It may also cause hemorrhages or even a weak pulse. There may be weakness and often a flush face is associated with this health condition.
  • Digestive Disorders: Ferrum phos tends to be of the best help when there is indigestion, sour burps, vomiting, and even regurgitation associated with digestion. There is often a great thirst but very little appetite with this type of problem. These symptoms may be associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or they may just stand alone.
  • Urogenital Problems: Women may suffer from problems such as a short menstrual cycle, uterine pain, a dry vagina, or stress in sexual areas. There may be a lacking libido in men associated with these types of problems.
  • Raynaud’s Disease: Ferrum phos may be helpful to those who suffer from numb, tingling, or even discolored fingers and toes. There is often restricted blood flow to at the root of this, particularly in the cold.

Profile Type

Ferrum phos is a homeopathic remedy that many may turn to, but it works best for those who are alert and sociable in nature. They may be open minded in nature and sensitive and sympathetic in their makeup. They tend to be very protective of their families and can tend to get overexcited over things that they feel passionately about. They are imaginative in nature and many people would recognize just how cheerful they can be.