Terminalia bellirica

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Terminalia Bellirica

Other Names : Bibhitaki, Bahera, Beleric, bastard myrobalan, Vibhitaka विभितक, Vibhitaki, Bahada, Aksha अक्ष, Belliric myrobalan, the seeds are called bedda nuts
Is a large deciduous tree common on plains and lower hills in Southeast Asia, where it is also grown as an avenue tree. The leaves are about 15 cm long and crowded toward the ends of the branches. It is considered a good fodder for cattle. Terminalia bellirica seeds have an oil content of 40%, whose fatty-acid methyl ester meets all of the major biodiesel requirements in the USA , Germany and European Union.
See also :

Special Precautions of Terminalia Bellirica

  • Bibhitaki is not recommended during pregnancy as its use may reduce production of Breast Milk.
  • People with a lean body, weak immunity, low strength, excessive sensual activity, fasted for a long time avoid taking it.

Benefits and uses of Terminalia Bellirica are

In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Beleric is known as "Bibhitaki" (Marathi: Behada) (Terminalia belerica) in its fruit form it is used in the popular Indian herbal rasayana treatment triphala which is commonly prescribed in treating asthma, biliousness, bronchitis, inflammations, sore throat, eye, nose, heart and bladder disorders. Bibhitaki Fruit is very nutritious as it contains essential vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is a rich source of Vitamin C and minerals like selenium, manganese, potassium, iron and copper. Bibhitaki also has plants chemical like tannic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid, cardiac glycosides.

  • for controlling Kapha. It is a powerful rejuvenative herb that nourishes the lungs, throat, voice, eyes and hair.
  • It expels stones or other kapha-type accumulations in the digestive, urinary, and respiratory tracts.
  • It is unique in being both laxative and astringent, so it purges the bowels, while simultaneously toning the tissues of the digestive tract.
  • It provides strength to the tissues of the sense organs.
  • widely used in treatment of headache, leucorrhoea, liver diseases and gastro-intestinal complaints.
  • anthelmintic, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, laxative, lithotriptic, rejuvenative and tonic.
  • Beleric is a rejuvenative and laxative. It proves beneficial for hair, throat and eyes.
  • Beleric seed oil or fruit paste is applied on swollen and painful parts.
  • The seed oil gives excellent results in skin diseases and premature graying of hair.
  • Fruit pieces are baked and chewed for cough, cold, hoarseness of voice and asthma.
  • Beleric fruit is powdered and used to dress wounds to arrest the bleeding.
  • Its fruits and kernels are used in making medicated hair oil, used to alleviate pain and burning sensation, boost hair growth and impart black color to the hair.
  • Prevents Hair Loss And Removes Dandruff
  • The paste of the fruit is applied on eyelids, in case of conjunctivitis.
  • The herb is used in various eye ailments, such as myopia, corneal opacity, pterigium, immature cataract, chronic and acute infective conditions.
  • Beleric helps in loss of appetite, flatulence, thirst, piles and worms.
  • The ripened fruit acts as an astringent and anti-diarrheal.
  • The decoction of the kernels is used in case of excessive thirst and vomiting.
  • Beleric plant alleviates cough, relieves blocked phlegm, controls bleeding in the sputum and eases bronchospasms.
  • It prevents ageing, imparts longevity, boosts immunity, improves mental faculties and enhances the body resistance against diseases.
  • It helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Good for hair, throat and eyes.
  • Helpful in cough, cold, hoarseness of voice and asthma.