Persian Hogweed

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Other Names : Heracleum persicum, Golpar
Heracleum persicum is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to Iran. It grows wild in humid mountainous regions in Iran, as well in some adjacent areas. Having been introduced in the 1830s, it is now very common in northern Norway, where it is known as the Tromsø palm. The plant has also been spotted in Sweden.

Special Precautions of Persian Hogweed

Health Benefits and uses of Persian Hogweed

  • Golpar is one of the 51 plants used to treat Tabe Reba (malaria like fever) in Iranian traditional medicine.
  • This plant has antioxidant, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-helminths and immunomodulatory activities.
  • Fruit extract of H. persicum is composed of terpenoids, monoterpenes, isoterpenoid, pimpinellin, iso- pimpinellin, bergapten, isobergapten and spending.