Bone Broth

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Special Precautions of Bone Broth

Be sure to use only pastured, grass-fed animals, or wild game, to avoid toxins.

Benefits and uses of Bone Broth are

The age-old custom of eating chicken soup for curing a cold isn't simply a wives' tale; traditional cultures sensed the healing wisdom behind the practice. Brimming with essential nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, along with collagen, gelatin, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate, slow-simmered bone broth is an important addition to a healthful diet. It alleviates inflammation, heals a leaky gut and fortifies against bacterial and viral infections. Bone broth also strengthens the teeth, joints, bones, skin and hair.

  • It heals a leaky gut : The gelatin in bone broth protects and heals the mucosal lining of the digestive tract and helps aid in the digestion of nutrients.
  • Fights infections such as colds and flu : A study published in the journal Chest shows eating chicken soup during a respiratory infection reduces the number of white blood cells, which are the cells that cause flu and cold symptoms.
  • Reduces joint pain and inflammation : The glucosamine in bone broth can actually stimulate the growth of new collagen, repair damaged joints and reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Produces gorgeous skin, hair and nails : The collagen and gelatin in bone broth supports hair growth and helps to keep your nails strong.
  • Helps with bone formation, growth and repair : The calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in bone broth helps our bones to grow and repair.
  • Nutritious : Homemade bone broth contains all nutrients and minerals found in bones and tendons rather than just one or two found in pills. Slow cooking preserves the nutrients better than the high heat extraction used to make supplements.
  • Fights inflammation : Bone broth is very high in the anti-inflammatory amino acids glycine and proline.
  • Promotes sleep and calms the mind : The amino acid glycine found in bone broth can be very calming.


Last modified on 10 January 2014, at 03:51