Germinated Barley

Revision as of 10:25, 26 January 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Fructus Hordei Germinatus, Mai Ya

Special Precautions of Germinated Barley

Breast feeding women should not use it.

Benefits and uses of Germinated Barley are

The herb is sweet in flavour, neutral in nature, and it acts on the spleen, stomach and liver channels. Being sweet for tonifying the spleen and nourishing the stomach, it can regulate Qi.

  • Promoting digestion
  • inducing appetite
  • relieving flatulence
  • alleviate depression
  • relieve food stagnation. It is particularly good at eliminating undigested flour food.
  • The herb is often used to treat deficiency of the spleen, anorexia, food retention, indigestion and other syndromes.
  • A large dose of barley is lactifugal.
  • The herb is often used in combination with medicated leaven, hawthorn fruit, areca seed and other herbs for relieving food stagnation, to treat food retention, anorexia, distention and fullness in the stomach and abdomen and indigestion, and with white atractylodes rhizome amomum fruit, chicken's gizzard-skin and other drugs for supplementing Qi, strengthening the spleen, promoting digestion and inducing appetite, to treat deficiency of the spleen and anorexia.
  • To cease lactation and to relieve distending pain due to milk accumulation, a large dose of the herb can be decocted for use.

Used in Patent Medecine

Last modified on 26 January 2014, at 10:25