Sheep's Ear

Revision as of 10:50, 26 January 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Inula Cappa

Special Precautions of Sheep's Ear

Benefits and uses of Sheep's Ear are

Anodyne, antiphlogistic, carminative, depurative, expectorant, dispels clots. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, indigestion and other gastric disorders. A decoction of the root is used in the treatment of fevers. The decoction is also added to bath water in order to relieve body aches caused by hard physical work. A poultice made from the pounded root is applied to the forehead to relieve headaches. The juice of the bark, mixed with equal quantities of the juice from the bark of Ficus semicordata and Myrica esculenta is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders.

Used in Patent medecines

Last modified on 26 January 2014, at 10:50