
Revision as of 05:02, 31 January 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Chyavanaprasha, Chyavanaprash, Chyavanaprasam, Chyawanaprash,


The real recipe of chyavanprash is given in ayurvedic texts like Ashtangahridayam, Charakasamhita, Sangandharasamhita,etc. Nowadays different companies are making chyavanprash in their own ways by removing some ingredients and adding their own. The number of herbs used in preparation of the paste varies from 25 to 80, but the main ingredient of all Chyawanprash is

Other ingredients :

Special Precautions of Chyawanprash

Benefits and uses of Chyawanprash are

The main ingredient is amla (also known as Indian gooseberry), which is rich in Vitamin C (445 mg/100g),.About 20g of amla contains the Dietary Reference Intake of Vitamin C. Anti-aging benefits claimed due to chyawanprash can be due to the anti-oxidant effect of Vitamin C. Indication from ayurvedic classical texts:

  • cough
  • dyspnoea
  • fever
  • emaciation
  • heart diseases
  • arthritis
  • urinary complaints
  • diseases related to semen
  • coarseness of speech
  • gives strength for children, old people, person weakened after accident
  • increases digestive power, intelligence, memory, complexion
  • helps in bowel movements
  • gives strength to all sense organs
  • increases sexual power.
Last modified on 31 January 2014, at 05:02