Black Mustard

Revision as of 04:02, 7 February 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

See also : White Mustard
Other Names:Black Moutarde, Black Mustard Greens, Black Mustard Oil, Black Mustard Paste, Black Mustard Plaster, Black Mustard Powder, Black Mustard Seed, Brassica nigra, Graine de Moutarde Noire, Huile de Moutarde Noire, Mostaza Negra, Moutarde, Moutarde Noire, Moutarde Sauvage, Mustard, Pâte de Moutarde Noire, Plâtre de Moutarde Noire, Sénevé, Sénevé Noir, Sarshap, Sinapis nigra.
Black mustard is an annual plant, grows up to 2 meters in height. It has a branching, angular stem with large, alternate leaves. The upper leaves are smaller and broadly elliptic,, the lower ones are broader, pinnately lobed and obovate. Yellow flowers are produced on the upper stems. The blooming period occurs during the summer, and lasts about 1-2 months.
Parts used: Seeds

Special Precautions of Black Mustard

  • Black mustard is safe when eaten as part of a food such as mustard. But there is not enough information to know if it is safe to use black mustard as a medicine that is taken by mouth or applied to the skin.
  • Some side effects are known. Taking large amounts of black mustard seed by mouth can damage the throat and can also cause other serious side effects including heart failure, diarrhea, drowsiness, breathing difficulties, coma, and death. When applied to the skin, especially for a long time, black mustard can cause skin blisters and skin damage.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE to use black mustard in medicinal amounts if you are pregnant. Black mustard contains chemicals that might start your menstrual period and cause a miscarriage.
  • It’s also best to avoid using black mustard as a medicine if you are breast-feeding. Not enough is known about the effects it might have on you or your nursing baby.

The benefits of Black Mustard are

  • Internal use :
    • appetizer
    • digestive
    • diuretic
    • emetic
    • irritant
    • stimulant.
  • Grounded seed is applied externally
    • rheumatism
    • sciatica
    • peritonitis
    • neuralgia, and numerous internal inflammations
    • It reduces skeletal and muscular pain.
    • Herbal tea or grounded seed sprinkled on bath water is helpful in cases of fevers, colds and influenza.
  • Cancer fighting powers : Mustard seeds (like other members of Brassica) have been found to contain isothiocyanates which have been demonstrated to suppress and prevent the growth of cancerous tumors. A 2010 study published in the journal Carcinogenesis demonstrated that when this compound is delivered in a specialized manner had the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer in the bladder!
  • Anti-inflammatory benefits : Mustard seeds are known to be a great source of antioxidants and in fact have a very high content of selenium and magnesium which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains a powerful dose of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, omega3, and omega-6s to help keep your body running smoothly.
  • Increases lean muscle mass : A compound in mustard seeds, homobrassinolide, has been found to help increase lean muscle mass. This steroid-like compound can increase your appetite and food intake while helping to develop muscle growth. This can be very important for people trying to gain muscle or older people that are worried about wasting muscles. One Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology study found that the anabolic effects of homobrassinolide are enough to increase strength and lean muscle mass.
  • Mustard has been implicated in being able to alleviate headaches, cold, and flu symptoms.
  • Some people have used mustard as an external paste to alleviate aching muscles and joints and even to help fight against pneumonia.
Last modified on 7 February 2014, at 04:02