Ear Infections

Revision as of 05:33, 14 February 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)


Home remedies

  • Put few drops of garlic juice into the infected ear, as it is known to act as a natural antibiotic as well.
  • Use blow dryer from about 12 to 15 inches from your head, this will remove any water trapped in the Eustachian tube.
  • Put some olive oil on the warm spoon; put 2 to 3 drops of this in each ear.
  • Put few drops of lobelia extract into the infected ear and rub it gently.
  • Mullein : In a 2003 study of 171 children with otalgia (ear pain or earache), those who used ear drops containing mullein (along with garlic, calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, vitamin E, and olive oil) had a statistically significant improvement in ear pain over the course of three days
  • Wash your ear using colloidal silver, it is a natural antibiotic.
  • Slightly warm one teaspoon of juice of the mango leaf and put it into the infected ear drop by drop.
  • You could also use some hydrogen peroxide for the ears, however care should be taken not to use it for children.
  • Take vitamin C to boost your immune system, it will help you to combat infection.
  • take Echinacea to boost your immune system, it will help you to combat infection.
  • Increase Zinc intake, it reduces ear infection.
  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of Calcium in it.
  • Avoid processed foods and hydrogenated oils.
  • Use an ear syringe to squirt a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar solution into the ear and let it sit for a minute or so, then turn your head and let the liquid drain out.The vinegar solution can be a 50/50 mixture of ACV and pure water, a 50/50 mixture of ACV and rubbing alcohol or a solution consisting of one-third vinegar, one-third pure water, and one-third rubbing alcohol.
  • Xylitol helps Prevent Ear Infections.
  • Larch Arabinogalactan is used for infections, including the common cold, flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, ear infections in children, and HIV/AIDS.
  • Aromatherapy : Do NOT put oils into ear : Mix 1 drop of an oil with 2 tablespoons Carrier oil : You can use Eucalyptus, Rosemary oil, Lavender oil or Oregano oil : Apply a drop of the mixture onto a cotton ball, then place the cotton ball at the entrance of the ear canal. Keep it there, as long as possible : Eucalyptus will 'open' the eustachian tube, and 'prepare' the ear. Rosemary will fight the bacterial/viral infection. Lavender oil to help with pain, Oregano oil to fight infection and for pain.


If the ear problem persists, see a health professional.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 14 February 2014, at 05:33