Agaricus Muscarius

Revision as of 08:59, 27 April 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Agaricus, Agar, Amanita Muscaria, Fly Agaric, Bug Agaric
Agaricus is a genus of mushrooms, including edible and poisonous varieties. However, the variety of Agaricus we will be discussing here is a poisonous common toadstool that is also known as ‘fly agaric' since it is often used by people to eliminate flies. Although this variety of Agaricus possesses a number of remedial properties, it is extremely toxic and produces hallucinations. Medical practitioners in Siberia used this mushroom to promote the creative conditions of the mind.

Special Precautions of Agaricus Muscarius

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • As a common toadstool that grows naturally. Agaricus Muscaria is a very dangerous and toxic plant and may result in adverse effects if it is not handled with care.
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.

Benefits and uses of Agaricus Muscarius are

  • Chorea: Agaricus is recommended for involuntary limb movements or twitching that are not only erratic in nature but are unpredictable as well. The individual may say that it almost feels as if their limbs are detached from their body.
  • Nervous System Disorders: Another use for Agaricus is for degenerative neurological disorders; specifically one which causes twitching and spasms throughout the body. It may also develop into dementia or even multiple sclerosis over time. The symptoms seem to travel down the body in an almost diagonal pattern, and there is often sharp or shooting pains associated with this as well. Agaricus may work as a homeopathic remedy to help with the symptoms and even with the disorder itself.
  • Chilblains: In this instance, chilblains show up with burning and itching associated with them. The skin gets red and swollen as a result of this condition.
  • Parkinson’s disease: The body becomes weak and the limbs start to tremble and twitch, slowly at first but then becoming more regular and violent over time. There may be a great sensitivity to touch and there may be a great deal of anxiety, fear, and despair. Agaricus is often looked to as a homeopathic remedy to help with this disease and the symptoms that an individual may suffer from.
  • Alcoholism: Agaricus often helps relieve the symptoms and side effects of alcoholism that an individual may suffer through. This may be delirium, it may be an increase in appetite, and it may be a commonly puffy and red face.

Profile Type

Those who benefit most from agaricus as a homeopathic remedy tend to be anxious and insecure, almost fearful at times. They often have morbid and scary thoughts about death and become obsessive about all of the terrible things that could happen to them. They suffer from great lethargy and seem to retreat into themselves, often wishing not to even engage in conversation at times.

Last modified on 27 April 2014, at 08:59