Air Potato

Revision as of 04:42, 4 May 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Dioscorea bulbifera, Huang Yao Zi

Special Precautions of Air Potato

  • Uncultivated forms, such as those found growing wild in Florida can be poisonous. These varieties contain the steroid, diosgenin, which is a principal material used in the manufacture of a number of synthetic steroidal hormones, such as those used in hormonal contraception. There have been claims that even the wild forms are rendered edible after drying and boiling, leading to confusion over actual toxicity. The common toxic symptoms include gastrointestinal reactions like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and others. And it may also cause some certain damage to the liver and kidney, or even blood clotting disorders. TCM wise, use it with caution in the cases of deficiency of spleen and stomach, hepatic insufficiency, and renal insufficiency.
  • Contraindicated for those with ulcerated abscesses.
  • Contraindicated for those with pre-existing Liver disorders such as hepatitis or cirrhosis.
  • It may cause nausea, dry mouth, abdominal pain and vomiting.
  • Long term use of high doses may cause liver damage and jaundice.
  • It may cause alopecia.
  • Overdose may cause a burning sensation in the mouth, tongue and pharynx, salivation, diarrhea and contracted pupils.

Benefits and uses of Air Potato are

  • Resolves Phlegm, dissipates nodules and reduces masses : Goiter (it can be used alone as a tincture)
  • Clears Heat and reduces toxicity
    • Toxic swellings, scrofula, swollen and painful throat and animal bites (topical)
    • Only in emergency for snake bite (does not replace antivenom)
    • Many types of cancers, especially esophageal, Stomach, uterine and Colon
  • Cools the Blood and stops bleeding : Hematemesis, hemoptysis and uterine bleeding
  • Stops cough and calms wheezing
    • Coughs associated with acute and chronic bronchitis
  • Whooping cough

Used in patent Medecines

  • Hai Yao San. From Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng (Standard of Diagnosis and Treatments), this recipe combines Hai Zao (Sargassum Seaweed), Mu Li (Oyster Shell), etc. to cure provoked goiter.
  • Huang Yao Tang. From Sheng Ji Zhong Lu (The Complete Record of Holy Benevolence), the formula uses it with E Jiao (Donkey-Hide Gelatin) for chronic epistaxis.
  • Huang Yao Tang. From The Complete Record of Holy Benevolence, this prescription takes it alone for recurrent hematemesis.
  • Huang Yao Zi San. From Bian Que Xin Shu (Medical Understanding of Bian Que), it uses its powder alone for the treatments of acute laryngeal infection, swollen cheek and chin, and phlegm in chest and diaphragm.
Last modified on 4 May 2014, at 04:42