Qian Niu Zi

Revision as of 11:36, 10 May 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Semen Pharbitidis, Morning Glory Seeds, Pharbitis, 牽牛子

Special Precautions of Qian Niu Zi

  • Contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Use caution for those with Qi Deficiency or a weak Stomach.
  • Do not use with Sm. Crotonis Ba Dou.

Health Benefits and uses of Qian Niu Zi are

  • Drives out water through the urine and stool
    • Edema and ascites from Stagnation of pathogenic water or Dampness
    • Constipation due to Heat accumulation in the Stomach and Intestines
    • Can be used as a stand-alone herb
  • Descends Lung Qi and drives out Phlegm and thin mucus (Tan Yin)
    • Thin mucus obstructing the Lungs with cough, wheezing and a sensation of fullness in the chest and abdomen
  • Unblocks the bowels and removes Damp-Heat
    • Constipation due to accumulation and Stagnation of Damp-Heat or Food Stagnation in the Stomach and Intestines (reduce the dosage)
  • Expels intestinal parasites and reduces Stagnation
    • Tapeworm or roundworm infestation
    • Food Stagnation


Last modified on 10 May 2014, at 11:36