Grey Hair

Revision as of 10:39, 15 June 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)


  • Thyroid Disorders. A thyroid that doesn’t function properly can wreak havoc on the entire body and the hair is no exception. Several thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and Grave’s disease have been linked with an accelerated pace of graying hair.
  • Anemia. Anemia that is caused from a vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair to turn gray. Vitamin B12, which is predominantly found in animal products, might be low in your body if you do not eat animal products or if you have a condition that affects the ability of your stomach to absorb this vitamin.
  • Smoking. Cigarette smoking is said to contribute to going gray earlier than necessary.
  • Alcohol and caffeine. Reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine for optimal results in reversing your gray hair naturally. Both of these substances, which are highly dehydrating, have been linked to poor skin and hair health. In addition to that, gray hair can sometimes be caused by stress and stress levels can be negatively impacted by caffeine and alcohol, as well.
  • Early Menopause. Early onset of menopause can cause hair to go gray before it has to.
  • Vitiligo is a condition that causes the skin to produce white patches and it can cause the hair to go gray, as well.

Natural Remedies

  • Vitamin B12. Since a deficiency in this can cause premature gray hair, make sure you’re getting enough. If you do not eat animal products, it is important that you supplement this vitamin or eat foods that have been fortified with it.
  • Raw food diet. Many proponents of raw foodism have claimed that their gray hair began to reverse back to its original color after they adopted a raw diet.
  • Copper-rich foods. Researchers have found that people who go gray prematurely have lower copper levels than those who don’t. So stock up on copper-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, beans, bananas, avocadoes, and grapes.
  • Wheat Grass juice has been shown to turn gray hair back to its natural color : According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, hair pigmentation is influenced by the quality of blood and the strength of the kidneys. If your hair has gone gray, your kidneys and blood need to be strengthened. Foods that accomplish this include wheatgrass and any food with high chlorophyll content.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 15 June 2014, at 10:39