Infectious Diseases

Revision as of 01:57, 27 May 2011 by User1 (Talk | contribs)

See also Immunological Disorders


Home remedies

  • Propolis has been reported to be effective in the treatment of Fungal infrections.
  • Do Not Kill a Fever : Fever Kills Viruses : European and Scandinavian nations have historically used various forms of heating the body for health purposes. Steam baths, hot springs, and saunas have been used for decades. So revving up the body's temperature for health isn't new. It was deduced that malaria induced fevers had helped prevent cancer. (See Hyperthermia, Thermotherapy).
  • Garlic contains essential oils that can inhibit the growth of the Candida albicans fungus, the culprit in the pain, itch, and vaginal discharge of yeast infections, says Gerbstadt.(Garlic is a natural antibiotic, and taking 3 cloves a day, preferably raw, will do wonders for intestinal health.
  • Recent studies suggest that thyme, cloves, and even the essential oils from oranges are also effective fungicides.
  • Manuka honey has proven to work as well as -- or better than -- standard antiseptics in fighting the following: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, All other infectious organisms.
  • Probiotics Support your immune system by regularly taking live yogurt, especially after you've been on a round of antibiotics.
  • Oregano and clove oil are powerful anti-fungals with very strong medicinal properties.((e.g. against candida infections)
  • Apple cider vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon/lime provide an abundance of alkaline salts and have natural anti-septic properties. (e.g. against candida infections)
  • Cultured Cabbage Juice Prepare a sterilized 1 or 2 liter glass jar or mason jar. Shred some cabbage and stuff as much as you can into the jar. Fill the jar with water and shut the lid on tight. Leave it outside the fridge. Wait 3 days. The cabbage should have a sour taste (not a rotten one - if prepared wrongly!). Drink 1/2 or 1 cup of the juice daily. Like yogurt, you can use 1/4 cup of the old batch as a starter for the next batch.
  • Coconut oil Research in the Philippines by Dr Conrato S Dayrit says "coconut oil does have an anti-viral effect and can beneficially reduce the viral load of HIV patients." Use it in daily cooking and take 6-12 tablespoons a day.
  • Psyllium husk fiber is an excellent bowel cleanser. Psyllium husk normalizes bowel movement and absorbs toxins as it passes through the intestines.
  • Wild asparagus (Asparagus Racemosus) has been used for many years as a botanical medicine in India and Asia. It contains a phytonutrient called saponins. Saponins have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. They assist with lowering blood pressure and help to control blood sugar levels.
  • Black walnut tincture is not only high in a bio-assimilable, plant form of iodide, but it also has anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and fungicidal properties. The amount of iodine in black walnut tincture is so high that it can be used as a substitute for iodine antiseptics.
  • Lignans in flax seed are anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and anti-viral micronutrients.
  • Oil of Wild Oregano works Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and Strengthens the immune system.
  • Yogurt is used for treating and preventing vaginal yeast as well as bacteria infections, and for preventing urinary tract infections.
  • Maple syrup compounds help fight diabetes, cancer and bacterial illnesses.
  • Spinach protects the eyes, good for brain function, guards against Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer, protects against Heart Disease, stroke and dementia, it lowers blood pressure, it's anti-inflammatory and it's great for bone health.
  • Siberian ginseng is one of only a handful of herbs that is an adaptogen, which means that it works to normalize bodily functions. It inhibits the adrenal stress response and works as an immune stimulant, particularly for fighting the effects of stress and depression. It aids the liver in detoxifying harmful toxins, including chemotherapeutic agents and radiation. Siberian ginseng also stimulates the activity of several immune system components: B and T cells, making it excellent for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other viral infections.
  • Silver and silver compounds have an oligodynamic effect and are toxic for bacteria, algae, and fungi in vitro. The oligodynamic effect is typical for heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, but, among the elements that have this effect, silver is the least toxic for humans. But rgyria occurs in people who ingest or inhale silver in large quantities over a long period (several months to many years).
  • Licorice may be used as a topical antiviral agent for shingles, ophthalmic, oral or genital herpes.
  • Turkey Tail mushrooms are a Powerful Immune System Booster.
  • The sulfur compounds in onions and garlic are the key elements for use as an antibiotic.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 27 May 2011, at 01:57