Ginkgo Biloba

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Special Precautions of Flavanoids

Especially for individuals with blood circulation disorders and those taking anti-coagulants such as aspirin - best thing to do is to consult with your doctor before using any. Below are some Ginkgo Biloba side effects and cautions:

  • Ginkgo biloba can cause some gastrointestinal discomfort and headaches.
  • Should not be used if your taking anti-depressant drugs known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) - there could be a negative drug interaction.
  • Ginkgo may increase risk of bleeding, and should not be used if you have a clotting disorder.
  • Ginkgo Biloba should not be used by pregnant women.
  • Other side effects include, headaches, restlessness,diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

The benefits of Flavanoids are

Over the past 30 years, more than 300 studies have show Ginkgo Biloba to provide a host of benefits for the body. Not only does Ginkgo Biloba help improve mental functioning as mentioned above, it also has a long list of other benefits:

  • Ginkgo works by increasing blood flow to the brain and throughout the body's network of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems.
  • It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, and boosts oxygen levels in the brain which uses 20% of the body's oxygen.
  • Ginkgo may also help control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries,and can relax constricted blood vessels.
  • Benefits of enhanced circulation in the brain include improved short and long term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity.
  • Ginkgo has been shown to be a supportive herb for treating infertility in males or impotence.
  • Ginkgo Biloba also helps prevent damage to your organs from free radicals, and also blocks the platelet activating factor which causes some skin disorders such as psoriasis</li>
  • Ginkgo Biloba's beneficial effects on the circulatory system also helps in the treatment of eye and ear disorders.
Last modified on 10 June 2011, at 05:34