Ai Ye

Revision as of 04:30, 17 January 2015 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

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Other Names : 艾叶 - Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Mugwort Leaf, Argyi Wormwood Leaf See also : Artemisia Argyi

Special Precautions of Ai Ye

  • Use caution for those with Blood Heat.
  • Use caution for those with Yin Deficiency.
  • Applied topically, it may cause redness and itching.
  • Taken Internally, it may increase appetite and food consumption.

Health Benefits and uses of Ai Ye are

  • Warms the channels, warms the womb, stops bleeding and calms the fetus
    • Excess and/or prolonged menstrual bleeding due to Deficiency Cold
    • Restless fetus, lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding (threatened miscarriage)
    • Infertility due to Cold womb
  • Disperses Cold and alleviates pain
    • Cold abdominal pain
    • Cold menstrual pain
  • Eliminates Dampness and stops itching : Decocted and applied externally as a wash for skin problems marked by Dampness and itching
  • Resolves Phlegm and stops cough and asthma : As an extracted oil for wheezing, and coughing with profuse sputum


Last modified on 17 January 2015, at 04:30