Laurel Leaf

Revision as of 11:44, 14 March 2015 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Bay leaves

Other Names : Laurus nobilis, Bay Laurel, Sweet Bay, Indian Bay, Laurel, Bay Laurel, Sweet Laurel, Grecian Laurel, Roman Laurel and Royal Laurel.

Special Precautions of Bay Leaf

There are several types of plants that are called bay leaves, but the only true bay leaf is Laurus nobilis. Leaves from any other plant cannot be said to have the same health benefits, and some can be toxic. According to the Herb Society of America, the Kalmia latifolia is poisonous, even though it is related to and looks similar to the bay leaf. Leaves of the California laurel, or Umbellularia californica are sometimes sold as "California bay leaves," but they can damage the central nervous system and cause respiratory distress when inhaled.

The benefits of Bay Leaf are

  • Take internally for:
    • soothing minor stomach upsets : Digestive Health: Bay leaves have a very strong effect on the gastrointestinal system, both stimulating urination as a diuretic, which decreases the toxicity of the body, but also stimulating vomiting (as an emetic) when something toxic has been consumed. Furthermore, the organic compounds found in bay leaves are very effective for settling upset stomachs, soothing irritable bowel syndrome, or even lessening the symptoms of Celiac’s disease. Some of the more complex proteins in our modern diet can be difficult to digest, but the unique enzymes found in bay leaves help to facilitate efficient digestion and nutrient intake.
    • relieving gas
    • Respiratory Conditions: When the essential oil of bay leaves is extracted, it can be mixed into a salve and applied to the chest to help alleviate various respiratory conditions. This can also be achieved with a poultice made of the leaves. Spread it on the chest and allow it to remain overnight. Inhaling the vapors has a similar effect to aromatherapy and can loosen up phlegm and eliminate dangerous bacteria that may be trapped in your respiratory tracts thanks to its natural antibacterial quality.
    • boosting the immune system
    • type 2 diabetes : Bay leaves have been directly connected with improved insulin receptor function and regulated blood sugar levels. For patients at risk of developing diabetes or for those who have already developed the condition, regular consumption of bay leaves can significantly lower the chances of diabetic episodes.
    • Migraine headaches
    • bacterial infections
    • gastric ulcers
    • Anti-Inflammatory Activity: One of the most important benefits of bay leaves is their ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Bay leaves contain a rather unique phytonutrient, called parthenolide, which can quickly reduce inflammation and irritation when topically applied to affected areas, such as sore joints or areas affected by arthritis. This effect can also be achieved through normal consumption of bay leaf spice.
    • arthritis and rheumatism
    • improve heart function : Caffeic acid and rutin are both important organic compounds found in bay leaf that greatly boost heart health. Rutin strengthens capillary walls in the heart and the body’s extremities, while caffeic acid can help eliminate “bad” cholesterol from the cardiovascular system.
    • prevent Heart attacks
    • prevent Strokes
    • Cancer Prevention : The unique combination of antioxidants and organic compounds in bay leaves, including phytonutrients, catechins, linalool, and parthenolide, helps to protect the body from the effects of free radicals. Free radicals can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells, which bay leaves are particularly adept at preventing.
    • Anxiety and Stress: One of the least commonly known benefits of bay leaves is their naturally soothing quality. Linalool is often associated with thyme and basil, but it is also present in bay leaves and can help to lower the level of stress hormones in the body, especially when used in aromatherapy. Excess stress hormones can be dangerous for long-term health, so bay leaves can help you calm down and remain relaxed even in your most high-anxiety moments.
  • Apply externally for:
    • bruises and sprains
    • insect bites .
    • Hair Health: If you want to improve the health of your hair follicles and eliminate dandruff, steep bay leaves in water and then rub that on your scalp after shampooing. The chemicals and volatile ingredients in bay leaves can help to eliminate dry skin and dandruff.
Last modified on 14 March 2015, at 11:44