Garden Angelica

Revision as of 08:48, 11 July 2015 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Commonly known as Angelica Archangelica, Garden Angelica, Holy Ghost, Wild Celery, and Norwegian angelica. It is also known as Dong-Quei, Dong-Quai, Dang-Qui, Archangelica Officinalis and Tang-Huei.
See also : Bitters

Special Precautions of Angelica Archangelica

  • Should not be given to patients who have a tendency towards diabetes, as it causes an increase of sugar in the urine
  • Do not take angelica, if you are pregnant because it is said that the herb induces miscarriage in pregnant women.
  • People with a history of heart attack or atherosclerosis should avoid this herb.
  • Avoid using the herb angelica on skin that will be exposed to sunlight.

The benefits of Angelica Archangelica are

  • Angelica effectively treats indigestion, gas and stomach cramps.
  • It improves cardiovascular and bronchial disorders
  • The leaves and root used as a tea treats insomnia, fevers, tooth aches, nervous headaches and rheumatism.
  • One can see several species of angelica. American angelica (A. atropurpurea) and European angelica (Angelica archangelica) have been traditionally used for treating colds, headache, lung and bronchial disease. Chinese angelica (Angelica sinensis) popularly known as Dang gui and Dong quai is used to relieve menstrual cramps, to regulate menstrual periods and to reduce the symptoms of menopause. No scientific evidence supports this medicinal value of angelica, but it has been used in oriental medicine to treat these health conditions.
  • used as a main ingredient in various herbal formulations that are designed to balance hormones in women.
  • treatment of flatulence, indigestion, upset stomach and heartburn.
  • Even German studies also found angelica relaxes the windpipe and can effectively treat colds, bronchitis, flu and asthma
  • beneficial for circulation of blood and bodily fluids

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Last modified on 11 July 2015, at 08:48