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Zeolite is a naturally forming microporous, aluminosilicate mineral combination that is found in rock deposits around the world. Zeolite comes from the Greek word for 'boiling stones' as they emit steam when heated.
Natural Zeolites :

  • Analcime - NaAl(Si2O6)·(H2O)
  • clinoptilolite - (Na,K,Ca)2-3Al3(Al,Si)2Si13O36·12(H2O)
  • Laumontite - CaAl2Si4O12·4(H2O)
  • Chabazite - (Ca0,5,Na,K)4[Al4Si8O24]·12H2O
  • Gismondine - Ca2Al4Si4O16·9(H2O)
  • Mazzite - K2CaMg2(Al,Si)36O72·28(H2O)
  • Heulandite - (Ba,Sr,K,Ca,Na)2-3Al3(Al,Si)2Si13O36·12(H2O)
  • Stilbite - NaCa4Al8Si28O72·30(H2O)
  • Natrolite - Na2Al2Si3O10·2(H2O)
  • Mordenite - (Ca,Na2,K2)Al2Si10O24·7(H2O)
  • gottardiite - Na3Mg3Ca5Al19Si117O272·93(H2O)
  • Brewsterite - (Sr,Ba)Al4Si12O32·10(H2O)

Special Precautions of Zeolite

A review of zeolite by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center warns that inhaled zeolite dust causes mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer. Zeolite can also act as an immunosuppressant, decreasing immune activity. The proven chelator activity of zeolites can remove valuable minerals from the body and decrease the effectiveness of certain medications, including aspirin.

Health Benefits and uses of Zeolite are

Zeolite has been purported to have a wide variety of health benefits. According to All Natural Prevention, zeolite has the potential to act as a chelator and remove heavy metals from the body, improve liver function, balance biological pH levels, improve general well-being, control allergies and asthma, improve digestion and act as an antioxidant.

  • Chelation Research. A study published in the journal "Nutrition and Dietary Supplements," tested the chelation potential of liquid clinoptilolite, a type of natural zeolite. The researchers concluded that clinoptilolite "represents a potentially safe and effective way to remove toxic heavy metals from the body through increased urinary excretion without removing clinically detrimental amounts of vital electrolytes." Natural Clinoptilolite is the safest and most commonly used form of zeolite for health and healing, as it has the unique ability to absorb and remove large amounts of heavy metals, volatile organics and radioactive particles with no side effects. It does this without removing the needed metals and minerals like iron or calcium, which is just astounding. Clinoptilolite Zeolite has a net negative charge as well as a unique cage like structure that captures the small highly charged toxins like mercury or strontium-90 and can quickly remove them from the body.
  • Cancer : zeolite neutralizes free radicals by trapping them in its complex structure which effectively inactivates and eliminates them. When meat is cooked at high temps and particularly when it is burned it produces dangerous heterocyclic amines and nitrosamines. These are highly carcinogenic free radicals. Zeolite has been shown to be extremely effective at removing these free radicals from the body.
  • Zeolites also trap microbes such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and yeasts into their matrix where they are eliminated through the bowels and urine. It also grabs hold of xenoestrogenic molecules from plastics, pesticides, and herbicides.
  • Bleeding : Zeolite crystals have been known to help the body's blood-clotting process and, therefore, can slow or stop bleeding.QuikClot brand hemostatic agent, which is used to stop severe bleeding, contains a calcium-loaded form of zeolite found in kaolin clay.


Last modified on 16 January 2016, at 06:20