
Revision as of 04:02, 28 March 2016 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Gemmotherapy is an emerging natural medicine, compared to Homeopathy. Different from herbal remedies that use parts of the mature plant, gemmotherapy is an phytembryotherapy with extractions made from the germinating parts of trees and shrubs. It is more potent than whole herbs and plants as these buds, shoots, rootlets and germinating embryonic parts contain plant growth hormones much like human stem cells.

Gemmotherapy has a multi-level effect on the body and can be used for nearly all conditions—acute and chronic—as it drains, nourishes, repairs and produces regeneration. It is considered a cellular drainage therapy as it acts to first detoxify and clear the emunctories (elimination organs). Next it drains the accumulated toxins, metabolic waste products and debris from the cells discharging these through the newly optimized organs of elimination.

When and where was gemmotherapy developed?

Gemmotherapy was introduced as a therapeutic method when research was published in 1970 by Dr. Pol Henry. A French homeopath, physician and research scientist, Henry was looking for a natural method to drain toxins from the body caused by the modern environment and synthetic pharmaceutical medications. He looked to trees and shrubs already used medicinally through history and found he could increase the healing action by preparing tinctures from the buds rather than the plant itself.

Gemmotherapy is practiced today as a compliment to homeopathy throughout France, Belgium, Italy, Germany and in some areas of Eastern Europe. It’s spread to the U.S. has been limited to practitioners who have trained in either Europe or Canada as the early texts were only in French and then Italian.

How is gemmotherapy used?

Gemmotherpy protocols are specifically selected by a practitioner to address recognized organ weaknesses. Most often protocols include three different gemmos but can also include up to 5-6 or only 1. The client’s vitality, level of inflammation and ability to eliminate are all taken into consideration when choosing the correct approach.

Protocols can be prepared for acute and chronic conditions from a staph infection to high blood pressure.

What makes gemmotherapy different from homeopathy?

While homeopathy works with the vital force of the body to heal itself, gemmotherapy has distinct action on specific organ tissues to optimize the body’s ability to eliminate, clean and then heal itself.

The two therapies are absolutely complimentary and when used together can hasten the healing process.

Special Precautions of Gemmotherapy

Health Benefits and uses of Gemmotherapy are

All individuals regardless of age who have secondary symptoms such as skin conditions, seasonal allergies, chronic ENT’s, asthma, UTIs, migraines, digestive disturbances, sleep difficulties, menstrual irregularities, fertility issues, high blood pressure and more can be helped by an individualized gemmotherapy protocol.

Gemmotherapy is safe for babies, children, adults. Specific protocols exist to help with conception and offer support throughout a pregnancy. It can be used along with conventional medications and therapies, including chemotherapy and radiation, to reduce the toxic load on the physical body.


Last modified on 28 March 2016, at 04:02