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Special Precautions of D-limonene

make sure your oranges are organically grown and that peels contains no hebicides.

The benefits of D-limonene are

D-limonene is the oil (terpene) from orange peels. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that when d-limonene was added to the diets of rats who had developed tumors, 90% of them had their tumors disappear completely. In a related study, animals that were given d-limonene one hour before being exposed to known carcinogens, were protected from the effects of the carcinogens at a highly significant rate. In rats, large doses of d-limonene produce kidney problems, but in dogs, there were no side effects. You can do what most juice experts have been saying for years: juice the orange and the peel together—just make sure your oranges are organically grown.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 22 July 2011, at 01:25