Abies balsamea

Revision as of 14:06, 30 January 2017 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Abies balsamea
Other Names : Fir balsam, Balsam fir, Canada balsam, Canada turpentine, balsam of fir

Abies balsamea or balsam fir is a North American fir, native to most of eastern and central Canada and the northeastern United States.

Precautions of Abies balsamea

  • Could result in skin irritation (dilution is recommended).
  • Avoid sunlight for 3 to 6 hours after use.
  • May act as a laxative and may cause nausea when taken in large doses.
  • Avoid in individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding due to lack of sufficient data. Historically, Canada balsam was used to cause abortion.
  • may add to the effects of antibiotics and anticancer drugs.
  • may add to the effects of antibacterials and anticancer herbs or supplements.

Health benefits and Uses of Abies balsamea

  • Essential Oil is a strong antimicrobial agent for colds and the flu.
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antirheumatic : Balsam Fir oil has been known to prevent and/or relieve rheumatic pain and swelling
  • Antispasmodic
  • excellent calming agent in cases of spastic cough.
  • excellent decongestant and mucolytic.
  • Rubefacient
  • stimulates the respiratory system, adrenal glands, and circulatory system.
  • If experiencing hiccups try smelling the oil for a minute.
  • Cancer : The antitumor activity of Abies balsamea (balsam fir oil) was evaluated against the solid tumor cell lines of MCF-7 (breast), PC-3 (prostate), A-549 (lung), DLD-1 (colon), M4BEU (melanoma) and CT-26 (another colon cancer cell line). It was found to be active against all of the solid tumor cell lines tested. Specifically, balsam fir oil and alpha-humulene induced a dose- and time-dependent decrease in cellular GSH (glutathione) content and an increase in ROS (reactive oxygen species) production, which may be the mechanism behind the oils anti-tumor effect.
Last modified on 30 January 2017, at 14:06