Parkinson's Disease (PD)

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Home remedies

•Diet plays an important role in the treatment of this disease. In general a low protein diet and raw organic food containing antioxidants is best for the patient. •The juice from various fruits like apple, pineapple, grapes, orange, tomato, carrot, cabbage and spinach is very helpful for cleaning of bowels. •Adapting a liquid diet for five days with fresh vegetable or fruit juice is highly effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. •Sesame seeds and butter, yellow turnip and green vegetables are very much beneficial. •Fruits such a papaya, grape, orange and pineapple, apple, pear and peach and Vegetables with Vitamin E are also equally beneficial. Green leafy vegetables in particular are helpful. Intake of Vitamin E in high doses is found to be highly beneficial on the treatment of Parkinson's disease. •Plenty of nuts, grains and sprouts should be included in the diet. Avoid tea, coffee, chocolate and too much spice in food items. •The patient should avoid all processed food and frozen foods like tea, coffee, salt, spices, pickles, cold drinks, white flour, white sugar and chocolates. •Food has to be chewed properly and avoid overeating. •Drink water before 1 hr of meal or after 1 hr of meal. •Prepare 4 cups of boiling water with 20gms of Larkspur and have 3 times per day. •Skullcap if combined with Lady’s slipper gives better results •Ginko biloba helps to boost the circulations to the brain. •Calcium and magnesium are needed for healthy nervous system; eat food containing this mineral liberally •Velvet Beans is a commonly available form of wild beans. This seed has been traditionally used in ancient Indian medicines to treat neurological disorders like Parkinson or epilepsy. •Drinking raw milk plays a vital role in preventing Parkinson’s disease. •Make sure to remove chemical and pesticides on the vegetables or meat by washing them thoroughly or buy from organic stores. •Intake of Sesame seeds and sesame seed butter has beneficial results for curing Parkinson’s disease. •Take about 20 grams of larkspur in 4 cups of boiling water, drink the decoction a mouthful at a time. Avoid drinking more than 3 cups a day.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 25 February 2011, at 15:23