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Toothache can be caused by infected gums, damaged or eroded tooth filing, tooth fracture, abscessed tooth or tooth decay. The symptoms of toothache include swelling on the gums around the affected tooth, headache, fever, and sharp, stabbing and constant pain.

Home remedies

The treatment for toothache will depend on what is causing the condition. For simple cavities, the dentist may need to extract the tooth or clean the cavity and have it filled. If the tooth's nerve is already infected, the dentist may need to conduct a root canal to stop and treat the pain. In case of swelling and fever, an antibiotic may be prescribed to treat the symptoms and ease the pain. A treatment called phototherapy using a cold laser may also be used to reduce the swelling and the pain caused by the toothache.

Pain medications are often prescribed to people suffering from intense toothache. But besides rushing to the drugstore to have your prescription filled, taking a short trip to the kitchen might do some help.

  • Salt Rinse: Rinse with my super saturated salt rinse. Pour a glass of warm to hot water (boiling temperature not necessary) and slowly stir in either himalayan or dead sea salt until you see salt crystals at the bottom that are no longer dissolving. Rinse with this solution 4-5 times daily to reduce inflammation and contract the tissues (British Dental Journal). This rinse is especially effective with gum pain and foreign body response to a poppy seed stuck in between the gums.
  • Cloves (See precautions Eugenol) : Using clove is probably the most effective and easiest way to naturally treat toothache and relieve the pain. They are available in whole, oil, ground and powdered form. For treating toothache, the best and most convenient to use is a powdered clove. Dip your fingers in a saucer of powdered clove and apply it on the affected tooth and also on the cheek. It will slowly mix with the saliva in your mouth and make your teeth and gums feel numb. You can also use oil of cloves which can be bought from a drugstore. Apply the oil using your fingers until the teeth and cheeks are fully covered.
  • Garlic : You won't find fresh cloves of garlic in your dentist office but studies show that garlic helps treat toothache. The herb has also been traditionally used to remedy almost any ailment. And for toothaches, crushing the cloves to release its allicin content and applying it directly on the affected tooth can help relieve the pain and treat the condition. Allicin is a compound with a strong antibiotic property with no known side effects. It helps in killing and inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria in the mouth and it reduces the inflammation. Eating garlic can also be a great way of harnessing its antibacterial properties.
  • Onion : Fresh onions are high in sodium and natural antibiotics that help in treating toothaches. They are also low in calories and fat and are also a rich source of vitamin B12 and vitamin A. Slice a bulb of fresh onions and place a small piece in your mouth. Let it sit in your mouth near the affected tooth for a few minutes to allow the onion to do its job. When the taste has faded off, use another piece until your tooth is able to feel. There is no serious side effect with regard to eating too much onion. It's just the spicy taste but that’s bearable. People eat fresh onions with their salads and other dishes every time. You might just need to brush off the smell when you have to.
  • Lime : Lime contains mild acids that help in eliminating the bacteria in your mouth that's causing your tooth to ache. Slice a piece of lime with some salt on it and rub gently on the affected tooth. Doing this a few times a day will help relieve the pain and treat your toothache. Lime will also help in keeping your breath fresh and it makes your teeth whiter. You can also rub the lime on the surface of your teeth to help remove the stains.
  • Wheat Grass : You can find wheat grass at natural food stores. Some grocery stores also have fresh wheat grass available so it wouldn't be very difficult to find one when you’re looking for a safe and natural way to relieve the pain of toothache. The best way to prepare wheat grass is by throwing it in a juicer to extract the juice. Wheat grass contains compounds that help in fighting bacteria – a perfect natural cure for toothache. Try to enjoy the juice and let it swirl and sit in your mouth before swallowing it. You can also crush it to make a paste and apply it on the affected tooth.
  • Bay Berry : A paste made from bay berry and vinegar is another proven method of relieving toothache. Bay berry has strong antibacterial properties that act as a natural antibiotic for toothache. You can use a mortar and pestle to pound the bay berry bark and slowly add vinegar using a teaspoon. It won’t taste great but the benefits are undeniably good.
  • Tarragon : The recognition of its ability to get rid of toothaches goes as far back as ancient Greece. It is tarragon's high concentration of eugenol that's mostly responsible for its pain-relieving effect. Some also say that it will minimize sore gums which may go along with any possible toothache.
  • Pepper : Black pepper is another natural remedy for toothache. You can mix powdered black pepper with a few teaspoons of water and a pinch of salt to make a paste. Apply the paste on the affected tooth and let stay there for a few minutes. The antibiotic compounds of black pepper will slowly creep into the source of the infection to reduce the pain and inflammation.
  • Acmella Oleracea is employed principally to treat toothaches and Gum Diseases.
  • Ginger root : Remove the bark and cut the ginger on pieces. Place them on the top of the painful tooth and bite it. You will notice how your pain will start gradually decreasing. Keep the rest pieces in the fridge and repeat the procedure.
  • Spilanthes is used to treat toothache and throat and gum infections.
  • Black Cumin oil : Make a solution of ½ teaspoon vinegar and a teaspoon of black cumin oil (Nigella Sativa). Heat this and leave the mixture to cool down. Use this for rinses to prevent inflammations and infections in your mouth.
  • Essential clove oil : The aromatic chemical from the clove, called eugenol, kills bacteria and relieves pain. Just soak a cotton ball in the oil and apply it over the inflamed tooth. If you find it necessary repeat the procedure.
  • Oregano oil (could be used topically and internally) : You can just put few drops of this oil under the tongue and leave it like that for several minutes, after that rinse with colloidal silver. Spit the colloidal silver, and then additionally swallow little bit of it (up to 250 ml in one day). After several minutes, rub the oregano oil in the area around the gums. Between washing with colloidal silver also rinse your oral cavity using pretty warm salt water (preferably sea salt) and still massage oil oregano on the gums. Repeat this procedure every hour during the day
  • Compresses : Use cold compresses or other cold stuff to get rid of the unbearable pain. Place the compress on the outside and it will temporarily relieve your pain.
  • Healing saint : St. Medard of Noyon


When experiencing toothache, it is important to immediately visit your dentist and have your teeth checked especially when it is accompanied with severe pain and if you experience having earache, fever and pain when opening your mouth wide. Toothache often stops people from eating properly due to the pain caused by chewing or simply opening their mouth. It also tends to hinder daily tasks that affect productivity while at work. Some people will also prefer to stay at home and wait until the pain subsides, but the pain doesn't.

The dentist will ask you for your medical history and perform a physical exam. He will also be asking questions about the pain and as to when the toothache started. Depending on the intensity of the pain, the dentist may examine your teeth, gums, mouth, tongue, throat, jaws, ears, sinus, throat, neck, and nose before prescribing any medication and dental treatment. An X-ray may also be taken in order to fully determine what is causing the toothache.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 23 April 2017, at 13:35