Alder Buckthorn

Revision as of 10:08, 25 February 2018 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names: Alder Dogwood, Arraclán, Arrow Wood, Black Dogwood, Buckthorn, Buckthorn Bark, Dog Wood, Frángula, Frangula, Frangula Alnus, Frangula Bark, Frangulae Cortex, Glossy Buckthorn, Nerprun Bourdaine, Rhamnus Frangula.
See also :

Don't confuse with Common Buckthorn

Special Precautions of Alder Buckthorn

  • Alder buckthorn is safe for most adults when used for less than 8 days. Using alder buckthorn for more than 8 days can be UNSAFE because it might cause low potassium; heart problems; muscle weakness; and blood problems, including blood in the urine. Some people get uncomfortable cramps from alder buckthorn. If you experience diarrhea or watery stools while using alder buckthorn, stop taking it.
  • The fresh bark can cause severe vomiting. Make sure you are using a bark product that is at least one year old or has been heat processed.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It is UNSAFE to use alder buckthorn during pregnancy or breast-feeding. Avoid using it.
  • Children: Alder buckthorn is UNSAFE for children younger than 12 years of age.
  • Intestinal disorders, including intestinal blockage, appendicitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or ulcerative colitis: Don’t use alder buckthorn if you have any of these conditions.
  • Stomach pain: Don’t use alder buckthorn if you have any stomach pain.
  • Diarrhea: Don’t use alder buckthorn if you have diarrhea.
  • Medications for inflammation (Corticosteroids) interacts with ALDER BUCKTHORN
  • Digoxin (Lanoxin) interacts with ALDER BUCKTHORN
  • Medications taken by mouth (Oral drugs) interacts with ALDER BUCKTHORN
  • Stimulant laxatives interacts with ALDER BUCKTHORN
  • Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with ALDER BUCKTHORN
  • Water pills (Diuretic drugs) interacts with ALDER BUCKTHORN

The benefits of Alder Buckthorn are

The bark is alterative, astringent, cathartic, febrifuge and tonic.

  • The bark (and to a lesser extent the fruit) has been used as a laxative, due to its 3 – 7% anthraquinone content. Bark for medicinal use is dried and stored for a year before use, as fresh bark is violently purgative; even dried bark can be dangerous if taken in excess.
  • Treating constipation. Alder buckthorn seems to work about as well as Cascara.
  • Ingredient in the Hoxsey cancer formula.
  • A decoction of the dried bark is used to bathe swellings and inflammations, especially of the mouth and throat.
  • The powdered bark and the leaves have been used as an internal astringent and tonic, whilst the bark has also been used as an internal and external haemostatic against haemorrhage.
  • Boiling the inner bark in vinegar produces a useful wash to treat lice and a range of skin problems such as scabies and scabs. The liquid can also be used as a toothwash.
  • The leaves are astringent, galactogogue and vermifuge. They are used to help reduce breast engorgement in nursing mothers.
  • A decoction of the leaves is used in folk remedies for treating cancer of the breast, duodenum, oesophagus, face, pylorus, pancreas, rectum, throat, tongue, and uterus.
Last modified on 25 February 2018, at 10:08