Ayurvedic Blood Sugar Formula

Revision as of 01:21, 28 April 2018 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

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  • Gymnema sylvestre leaves have a long history of usage in India for diabetes. Not only does it block the taste of sugar, the leaves also prevent absorption of sugar. At the same time, pancreatic action is not hampered. Not only this, but the need for insulin is also reduced, thereby requiring less from the pancreas. This allows the pancreas to heal if other nutrients are provided. Present research indicates the plant may actually help a damaged pancreas recover its insulin-making ability.
  • Curcuma longa, or Indian turmeric, is a rhizome used for various liver and kidney disorders. It is also used to improve general digestion and is both an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
  • Azadirachta indica leaf, or Neem, is used in various blood disorders and helps prevent excessive blood clotting. This plant is also anti-viral.
  • Enicostemma littorale herb has been shown in experiments to cause a significant reduction of blood sugar in diabetic animals. This herb is also antibiotic and is used against malaria.
  • Picrorhiza kurroa root contains kutkin and picrorhizin, bitters for proper liver function. A direct result of liver improvement may be a reduction of asthma symptoms. This root also improves blood circulation and reduces cholesterol.
  • Pterocarpus marsupium gum, called Kino, is very useful for diabetics and lowers cholesterol, also exhibiting hypoglycemic action.
  • Trigonella foenum-graecum seed, or fenugreek, improves various digestive disorders, helps to remove inflammation and abscesses and works as a tonic for the whole system.
  • Aegle marmelos leaf contains a sitosterol, a type of compound that lowers blood cholesterol. The leaf helps cool the body and clear the respiratory system.
  • Andrographis_paniculata.jpgAndrographis paniculata herb is known as the “king of bitters.” This tells you that the liver benefits from the herb and the gallbladder also. This herb is used for general debility and convalescence.
  • Momordica charantia is also known as bitter melon and has also been used in China for reducing blood sugar. One of the constituents in bitter melon is the polypeptide gurmarin, which shows similarities to bovine insulin.
  • Syzygium cumini seed is an anti-inflammatory.
  • Cyperus rotundus tuber, “nut grass,” is a stimulant, tonic for the entire digestive system. This plant helps remove parasites and inflammation.



Last modified on 28 April 2018, at 01:21