Selaginella tamarariscina

Revision as of 14:22, 26 November 2018 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Tamariskoid Spikemoss, Juanbai, Selaginella Herba,Herba Selaginellae Tamariskoid Spikemoss Herb, 卷柏

Special Precautions of Selaginella tamarariscina

Do not use in case of pregnancy.


  • Activate blood and stimulate the menstrual flow : breaking blood to eliminate stasis and arresting bleeding.
  • stir-baked product can dissipate blood stasis and stop bleeding.


Pungent, neutral

Health Benefits and Uses of Selaginella tamarariscina

  • promote blood circulation and restore menstrual flow
  • has been used to treat amenorrhea, abdominal pain, headaches, asthma and hematuria in Korea.
  • cleanses blood, stops bleeding, resolves phlegm, relieves the symptoms of asthma, promotes urination, and can be used to treat boils.
  • Furthermore, the effects of Selaginella Herba are believed to depend on the form used; that is, the raw herb is used to cleanse blood, relieve asthma symptoms, and treat amenorrhea, while the roasted form is used to stop bleeding and treat prolapsed rectum
  • Antibacterial
  • anti-tumor
  • beneficial to digestive system.
  • to treat amenorrhea
  • abdominal mass
  • injuries from falls
  • stomachache
  • asthma
  • Selaginellae herba charcoal (tir-baked into charcoal)
    • used for hematemesis
    • metrorrhagia
    • metrostaxis
    • hemafecia
    • anal prolapse
    • urine with blood
    • rectocele
    • hematochezia


  • Oral administration: decocting, 1.5-9g; made as medicinal liquor, pills or powders.
  • External application: triturated for application or powdered and scattered on affected part.


  • M. K. Shin, Clinical traditional herbalogy, Seoul: Yeong Lim's Publisher, 2000, pp. 489-490.
  • Y.-J. Jung, E. H. Lee, C. G. Lee et al., “AKR1B10-inhibitory Selaginella tamariscina extract and amentoflavone decrease the growth of A549 human lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 202, pp. 78–84, 2017. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus

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Wong Lo Kat

Last modified on 26 November 2018, at 14:22