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Solidago canadensis

Other Names: Aaron's Rod, Baguette d’Aaron, Canadian Goldenrod, Early Goldenrod, European Goldenrod, Gerbe d’Or, Herbe des Juifs, Solidage, Solidage du Canada, Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea, Solidago longifolia, Solidago serotina, Solidago virgaurea, Vara de Oro, Verge d'Or, Woundwort.
Goldenrod is an herb. People use the parts that grow above the ground for medicine.

Special Precautions of Goldenrod

  • Don’t confuse this herb with Verbascum densiflorum (Mullein), which is sometimes called “goldenrod.”
  • Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Goldenrod may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many others. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking goldenrod.
  • Fluid retention (edema) due to heart or kidney conditions: "Irrigation therapy," where goldenrod is taken with large amounts of fluids to increase urine flow, should not be attempted in people with fluid retention due to heart or kidney disease.
  • High blood pressure: There is a concern that goldenrod might make the body accumulate more sodium, and this can make high blood pressure worse.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Herbal "irrigation therapy" may not work against infections and may require the addition of germ-killing medications. "Irrigation therapy" should be monitored closely. Don’t depend on it for clearing up an infection.
  • Water pills (Diuretic drugs) interacts with GOLDENROD

Benefits and uses of Goldenrod are

Goldenrod contains chemicals that increase urine flow and have anti-swelling (anti-inflammatory) effects.

  • Spasms.
  • Swelling (inflammation) of the mouth, throat, and lower urinary tract.
  • Wounds.
  • Gout.
  • Arthritis.
  • urinary tract inflammation : Goldenrod was used extensively among many Native American tribes for promoting urinary tract health. Research has found that the herb tones the urinary tract and is helpful for detoxifying the kidneys. The German commission has actually approved the use of goldenrod to treat urinary tract infections. It has diuretic properties meaning that it can help stimulate the production of urine and increase the frequency of urination as well as antiseptic and astringent properties which help tone up the urinary tract. It is also said to be a tonic for the kidneys which works by nourishing them and restoring balance and health.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Skin conditions.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Enlargement of the liver.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Asthma.
  • Hayfever.
  • Prostate enlargement.
  • Aromatherapy :
    • Urinary tract infections : Goldenrod essential oil has been approved by the German Commission E for the treatment of urinary tract infections.
    • Skin : As long as you make sure to dilute this essential oil in a carrier oil like coconut or sweet almond, then it can be applied topically to the skin to help treat inflammatory skin conditions like acne and eczema. Goldenrod has antiseptic and astringent properties that might help clean and tighten your skin. So even if you are not suffering from any particular skin condition, goldenrod essential oil may help you look fresher and younger.
    • Respiratory issues : Because goldenrod has expectorant properties, it can be inhaled either directly from the bottle or your hands to help ease congestion caused by blocked sinuses or the cold. When inhaled, it should help loosen any build-up of mucus and help you to breathe more easily. The plant has also been used for centuries by the Native Americans to ease respiratory problems and treat sore throats.
    • Seasonal allergies : It is ironic that a plant which in the past was mistakenly blamed for causing allergies is now seen as an effective treatment for the unwanted symptoms of hay fever. Goldenrod essential oil can help ease your runny nose and watering eyes and put a stop to the sneezing which many people experience during the late summer period.
    • Arthritis and Gout : If you suffer from painful inflammatory joint conditions such as arthritis and gout, you can massage a combination of goldenrod and a carrier oil into the affected areas of your body. Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, goldenrod oil might also help ease aching muscles following exercise or a hard day on your feet.
    • Oral Hygiëne : , the leaves of the plant were traditionally chewed by Native Americans in order to ease the pain of a toothache. The essential oil can be used as a mouthwash to help kill oral infections and ease any pain. Simply add a few drops of goldenrod essential oil to a glass of water and gargle the mixture a couple of times each day but be very careful not to swallow any of the mixture as this essential oil should not be ingested.
    • minor Wounds : So long as you ensure to dilute your goldenrod oil, it can be used on minor wounds, burns and insect bites to clean the wound, ease any inflammation and prevent infection from taking a hold. You should, however, be careful not to apply it to a more severe open wound and make sure that you see a doctor if your wound is serious.
    • Fungal Infections : Goldenrod essential oil contains antifungal properties and might be useful in treating yeast infections such as candida as well as athlete’s foot, jock itch and toenail fungus. However, there are more potent antifungal essential oils such as tea tree oil that would serve the purpose better.
    • emotional calming : Like so many other essential oils, you can simply diffuse goldenrod oil or apply a little to the shoulders, neck and bottoms of your feet to help you unwind from a stressful day. Goldenrod essential oil has a delightful scent which is both citric and a little peppery. Simply diffusing it in your home or office might have a calming and uplifting effect on your mind and set you up well for the day. It can also be diffused to rid your home of nasty odors caused by environmental pollutants, tobacco or cooking.
Last modified on 7 April 2019, at 11:13