Chelidonium majus

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Chelidonium majus

Other Names : Chelidonium, Chel, Greater Chelindine, Wartweed, Swallow Wort, Celandine
See also : Greater Celandine

Special Precautions of Chelidonium Majus

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.

Benefits and uses of Chelidonium Majus are

  • Hepatitis: The liver becomes enlarged with pain extending down the back and across the right shoulder blade. The skin may become yellow and jaundiced and the abdomen often feels distended and tight.
  • Gallstones: Chelidonium may help with gallstones, particularly the very specific symptoms that accompany them. In this instance, it often starts with sharp and constant pain in the upper right side of the abdomen. The pain is made worse by fatty foods and may even extend to the shoulder blades. This homeopathic remedy helps when there is nausea and vomiting that result or when the gallbladder actually becomes inflamed.
  • Shoulder Pain: The pain in the shoulders often settles in as a cold feeling down to the fingertips and the muscles, and they may even feel sore to the touch. Sometimes there will even be nausea and vomiting associated with this very specific pain.
  • Headaches: Chelidonium works quite well as a homeopathic remedy for the type of headaches that makes the right side of the head feel heavy or weighed down. There is often numbness in the face and a coated tongue. These symptoms may or may not be linked to an existing liver disorder.
  • Pneumonia: If there is pneumonia then chelidonim may help to treat the illness as well as the symptoms that are associated with it. This may include breathlessness, painful coughing, and deep or forced breathing.

Profile Type

Those who tend to benefit greatly from chelidonium as a homeopathic remedy tend to be aggressive and almost domineering in their personalities. They respond particularly well to this homeopathic remedy if they are more practical in nature than intellectual. They often feel that exhibiting emotions is a total waste of time. There may be an underlying liver disorder in many of these individuals that may contribute to or even cause some of the symptoms that they suffer from.

Last modified on 28 September 2019, at 10:12