Yin Qiao San

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Other Names : 银翘散, Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder, Lonicera and Forsythia Combination, Powder of Lonicera and Forsythia


  • Disperses Wind-Heat
  • Cools Heat
  • Relieves toxicity

Health Benefits and Uses

Dry cough Sore, red, swollen throat Slight thirst, with desire to drink cold liquids Runny or blocked nose Fever with little perspiration Slight chills Maybe high fever Aversion to Wind Headache May be dyspnea with flared nostrils T: Red tip C: Thin and yellow or white P: Superficial and rapid

Acute bronchitis Bronchiectasis Common cold, initial-stage Fever Upper respiratory tract infection Cough Influenza Initial stage of measles Initial stage of mumps (epidemic parotitis) Pharyngitis Acute tonsillitis Acute endometritis Early stage encephalitis B Canker sores Drug-induced dermatitis Purulent otitis media Epistaxis Hordeolum Acute laryngitis Otitis media Nausea/Vomiting Myalgic encephalomyelitis Perspiration Dyspnea Otorrhea Pulmonary abscess Lip pain Coughing and asthma associated with AIDS/HIV Pneumonia Early stage Lung Abscess Early stage meningitis Herpes simplex Epstein Barr (herpes type) Mononucleosis Chronic Functional Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS) Allergies Acute suppurative infection Sinusitis Viral myocarditis Scarlet fever Headache Early stage cataracts Early-stage conjunctivitis Flat warts Tinnitus Deafness Constipation Chronic fatigue syndrome Cervical lymphadenopathy Puerperal fever Toothache Upper and middle back pain Ear pain Tongue pain


  • Jin Yin Hua: Flos Lonicerae : 9-30g Disperses Wind, clears Heat and relieves toxicity.
  • Lian Qiao : Fr. Forsythiae : 9-30g : Disperses Wind, clears Heat and relieves toxicity.
  • Jie Geng : Rx. Platycodi : 3-12g : Disperses the Lungs, stops cough, resolves Phlegm and descends Qi.
    • With Gan Cao, for hoarseness and throat swelling and pain due to Wind-Heat Attacks the Lungs.
  • Niu Bang Zi : Fr. Arctii : 6-12g : Disperses Wind-Heat, benefits the throat, relieves Heat and toxins, and spreads Lung Qi.
    • With Bo He, for sores due to Wind-Heat, dry throat, cough with yellow sputum, incomplete expression of measles or pruritic rash.
    • With Jie Geng and Bo He, and Jing Jie, for throat inflammation and productive cough due to Wind-Heat Attacks the Lungs.
    • With Jin Yin Hua, Bo He, Lian Qiao, and Jie Geng, for Sore throat caused by a febrile disorder or Wind-Heat.
  • Bo He : Hb. Menthae : 3-6g : Relieves Wind-Heat and benefits the throat.
  • Dan Dou Chi : Sm. Sojae Preparata : 3-15g : Relieves the exterior.
  • Dan Zhu Ye : Hb. Lophatheri : 3-10g : Generates Fluids, alleviates thirst and clears Heat.
  • Jing Jie : Hb. Schizonepetae : 3-9g : Relieves the exterior.
  • Lu Gen : Rz. Phragmitis : 6-30g : Generates Fluids, alleviates thirst and clears Lung Heat.
  • Gan Cao : Rx. Glycyrrhizae : 3-6g : Harmonizes, generates Fluids, alleviates thirst, moistens the Lungs, resolves Phlegm, stops cough and clears Heat.
    • With Jie Geng, for a sore throat in which the throat is not very red.
    • With Jin Yin Hua, for damp rashes or acne.
    • With Niu Bang Zi, strongly clears throat and Lungs to treat Wind-Heat Attacks the Lungs or Fire toxin flaring upwards.
Last modified on 5 October 2019, at 01:23