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Special Precautions of Rosemary

The benefits of Rosemary are

This pine-like herb does more than just spice up a roast of beef, it offers anti-inflammatory protection to the delicate human brain. Research proves rosemary’s ability to increase blood flow to the head and brain, thereby improving concentration.

Historically, herbalists have used rosemary to strengthen memory. In England, rosemary’s memory strengthening ability was translated to mean that it would improve fidelity. As a result it was often given as a gift for the bride or groom as part of their wedding ceremony. Perhaps the gift-giver thought the herb would help the newlywed remember his or her vows.

Add rosemary to meat dishes or chop finely and add to bread, buns, or savory baked goods. There’s nothing as yummy as a still warm, freshly baked rosemary scone with tea.

Boosting your mental acuity and brain power can be as easy as eating Indian curries, rosemary biscuits, and drinking fresh ginger tea. Or supplement with ginkgo and vinpocetine to improve your brain health.

Last modified on 9 October 2011, at 01:34