Beta glucan

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Special Precautions of Beta glucan

The benefits of Beta glucan are

Beta glucan is a soluble fiber nutrient commonly derived from the cell wall of baker’s yeast, cellulose of plants, some mushrooms and fungi, and from the bran of cereal grains. Different studies have evaluated the benefits of beta glucan in promoting better health and preventing diseases. In its long list of health benefits, beta glucan’s significance in cancer prevention has received more positive observations from different clinical studies.

Beta glucan comes in the form of Beta-1, 3 glucan as manufactured food supplement. A study showed beta-1, 3 glucan’s potency in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and tumors in laboratory animals. The compound was also found to improve the effects of chemotherapy treatment. The mortality rate of cancer patients was observed to be lower with the use of beta-1, 3 glucan than with chemotherapy alone. The compound demonstrates potency in lowering blood cholesterol levels and enhances the immune system by improving the macrophages’ ability to respond to infection.

Last modified on 11 October 2011, at 11:26