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Euonymus atropurpureus

Other Names : Euonymus atropurpureus, American wahoo, Eastern Wahoo , Burningbush, Hearts bursting with love, Spindle Tree, Indian Arrow-Wood
Member of Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family). It grows as a shrub or small tree found throughout the eastern and central United States except for Vermont. It is found as far west as Montana. Synonyms are E. carolinensis & E. latifolius.
Part used: Bark of root

special Precautions of Wahoo

  • The reddish to pink fruit should be avoided as it is poisonous to human beings but edible to various birds.
  • Excessive use of this herb can affect the heart and the berries can harm children, so due care must be taken when using this medicinal herb.
  • excessive use of this herb can result in extensive purgative reaction


The stem and root bark is alterative, cardiac, cathartic, cholagogue, diuretic, expectorant, hepatic, laxative, stimulant and tonic. The root bark is the part normally used, though bark from the stems is sometimes employed as a substitute.

Health Benefits and uses of Wahoo

Wahoo was used in various ways by the North American Indians, for example as an eye lotion, as a poultice for facial sores and for gynaecological conditions. In current herbalism it is considered to be a gallbladder remedy with laxative and diuretic properties.

  • A good laxative.
  • In small doses it stimulates the appetite, in larger doses it irritates the intestines.
  • Valuable in chest and lung ailments.
  • The bark is especially useful in the treatment of biliousness and liver disorders which follow or accompany fevers and for treating various skin disorders such as eczema which could arise from poor liver and gallbladder function.
  • as a tea in the treatment of malaria, liver congestion, constipation etc.
  • Excellent influence on pancreas and spleen.
  • Good for dropsy.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Dyspepsia
  • Hepatitis
  • help to promote the free flow of bile
  • Is valuable when combined with gentian golden seal.
  • Breaks chills.
  • Useful in constipation.
  • Useful in pulmonary ailments.


Preparing the decoction is very easy. Just put one ounce of wahoo powder in a pint of water and then boil together very slowly. Consume a small wineglass three times per day. It is a good stimulant which will keep the body warm in cold times, especially in the winter season.

Last modified on 1 January 2020, at 14:27