
Revision as of 05:54, 2 January 2020 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Evernia prunastri

Other Names : Evernia prunastri, mousse de chêne, treemoss

Special precautions of Oakmoss

  • a high risk of skin sensitization is associated with Oakmoss Absolute and it should be avoided by those with hypersensitive/diseased/damaged skin and in children 2 and under. Recommended a dermal maximum of 0.1%.
  • Not for internal use.
  • Two of its compounds – atranol and chloroatranol – could cause up to 3 per cent of the EU population to suffer an allergic reaction.
  • Avoid in epilepsy and while pregnant.

Health benefits and Uses of Oakmoss

Oakmoss is very rarely used in Aromatherapy and great care should be taken if you plan to use this oil in blends intended to be used on the skin. If you plan to use it then it should be diluted to a maximum of 0.5%.

  • The essential oil has antiseptic, emollient and expectorant properties.
  • There are still some references to its use in aromatherapy to treat headache or sinusitis.
Last modified on 2 January 2020, at 05:54