Parinari curatellifolia

Revision as of 07:40, 5 December 2021 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Health benefits and Uses of Parinari curatellifolia

In conclusion, our study has shown that P. curatellifolia leaf extracts showed xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity and these results scientifically support the use of P. curatellifolia leaf extracts in the management of pain as per traditional medical practices. P. curatellifolia water extracts was also shown to be a potent inhibitor of nitric oxide production in RAW cells that could be its mechanism of action as an anti-inflammatory agent in folk medicine. Epidemiological research has clearly established that chronic inflammation is linked to approximately 15 %–20 % of cancers, including and especially colorectal cancer. P. curatellifolia may this serve as a source a potential source of compounds that may serve as anti-inflammatory agents and directly and indirectly as anticancer agents.


Last modified on 5 December 2021, at 07:40