Stinging Nettle

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Stinging Nettle

Other Names: Bichu, Common Nettle, Feuille d’Ortie, Graine d’Ortie, Grande Ortie, Great Stinging Nettle, Nettle, Nettle Leaf, Nettle Seed, Nettle Worth, Nettles, Ortie, Ortie Brûlante, Ortie des Jardins, Ortie Dioïque, Ortie Méchante, Ortiga, Small Nettle, Stinging Nettles, Urtica, Urtica dioica, Urtica urens, Urticae Herba et Folium, Brennnessel, 蕁麻
Stinging nettle is a plant. People use the root and above ground parts as medicine.
See also :

Special Precautions of Stinging Nettle

  • Consuming dried or cooked stinging nettle is generally safe. There are few, if any, side effects. However, be careful when handling fresh stinging nettle leaves, as their hair-like barbs can harm your skin. These barbs can inject an array of chemicals, such as :
    • Acetylcholine
    • Histamine
    • Serotonin
    • Leukotrienes
    • Formic acid
  • These compounds can cause rashes, bumps, hives and itchiness. In rare cases, people may have a severe allergic reaction, which can be life-threatening. However, these chemicals diminish as the leaves are processed, meaning that you shouldn’t experience mouth or stomach irritation when eating dried or cooked stinging nettle.
  • Pregnant women should avoid consuming stinging nettle because it may trigger uterine contractions, which can raise the risk of a miscarriage (40).
  • Speak to your doctor before consuming stinging nettle if you’re taking one of the following:
    • Blood thinners
    • Blood pressure medication
    • Diuretics (water pills)
    • Diabetes medication
    • Lithium
    • Stinging nettle could interact with these medications. For instance, the plant’s potential diuretic effect may strengthen the impact of diuretics, which can raise your risk of dehydration.
  • Summary Dried or cooked stinging nettle is safe to eat for most people. However, you shouldn’t eat fresh leaves, as they may cause irritation.

The benefits of Stinging Nettle are

Nettle is richer in protein than soy, with a good balance between the 8 essential amino acids. Its leaf is particularly rich in calcium, iron, boron, beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A, α-tocopherol (vitamin E), and vitamin C.

  • Hay fever. Starting stinging nettle at the first sign of hay fever symptoms seems to help.
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): relieve the symptoms of prostate enlargement by boosting estrogen levels
  • to treat painful symptoms of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and soft tissue conditions such as fibromyalgia and tendonitis.
  • as a diuretic and laxative. Various extracts of stinging nettle have shown to be effective in treating diarrhea and urinary disorders, as well as prostate diseases. Studies show benefits in benign prostatic hyperplasia when treated with stinging nettle.
  • Hair health : Used directly on the hair, stinging nettle is thought to add shine, and prevent oily hair and dandruff. It is also believed to be effective in treating or preventing baldness, as well as getting rid of head lice. Most male pattern baldness is caused by testosterone being converted into DHT. The Stinging Nettle has been found to have properties that stop testosterone from being converted into DHT; this is the hormone which is responsible for hair loss in many men and some women. This plant grows wild and in abundance in America. The Native Americans used it a lot which is why you don’t see too many Native Americans with hair loss problems or having to get hair transplants.
  • allergy : Stinging nettle leaves have been used both as an herbal treatment and a homeopathic remedy for the relief of nettle allergies such as asthma, hay fever, hives and other allergic dermatitis.This use as an herbal remedy for hayfever is successful due to the nettles ability to reduce the body’s production of histamines in relation to the allergen. Stinging nettle and butterbur are both natural alternatives to antihistamine medications.
  • Used as a medicinal herb to treat respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and allergies. Stinging nettle is thought to be an effective histamine blocker as well as an inflammation reducer, and it has been used to treat allergic rhinitis without the side effects of popular allergy medications.
  • Taken internally, stinging nettle may be effective against ulcers, intestinal inflammation, and hemorrhoids.
  • effective at reducing symptoms of the digestive tract ranging from acid reflux, excess gas, nausea, colitis and Celiac disease. Additionally, it's medicinal action on mucous membranes makes it an effective herbal treatment for sore throats, swollen hemorrhoids, nose bleeds and mouth sores.
  • contains 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, which is used by bodybuilders to increase free testosterone.
  • shows promise as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and ADHD.
  • Cancer :
    • In studies, stinging nettle has shown positive results against some types of cancer, including prostate cancer : Stinging nettles may be helpful for precancerous conditions. In one study researchers found that nettles was superior than the drug treatment finasteride for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is a condition in which the prostate becomes enlarged and is often a precursor to prostate cancer.
    • JPC11 in stinging nettles seems to have an innate intelligence to differentiate between healthy and cancerous tissue, leaving healthy tissue unharmed. While the research on JPC11 as a potential treatment for cancer, and prostate and ovarian cancer in particular, is still in the preliminary stage, it could offer a more effective and focused cancer treatment. Researchers concluded that their findings “offer a new approach to cancer therapy.”
  • Because of its high vitamin K content, fresh stinging nettle can be used as a poultice to stop bleeding wounds and has also been used to stop excessive menstrual bleeding, nosebleeds, and other abnormal bleeding.
  • While fresh stinging nettle helps stop bleeding, dried stinging nettle has little vitamin K and is used as a blood thinner, making it useful herb against high blood pressure.
  • Pregnant women benefit from stinging nettle as it protects against bleeding and strengthens the fetus. (But see Precautions !)Known as a galactagogue, it promotes milk production in nursing mothers. Stinging nettles reduces PMS symptoms, processes estrogen to relieve menopausal symptoms and curbs excess menstrual flow. It's often used in herbal tonics to remove fibroids and regulate the menstrual flow.
  • high in iron making it excellent for combating anemia and fatigue.
  • It supports the liver and the female hormonal system.

Main Combinations

Last modified on 31 December 2021, at 04:03