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It is an infection of the breast tissue that involves enlargement, swelling, lumpiness, and pain in the affected breast. The pain has been described as excruciating for women who have suffered through it. It can be so extreme that the affected breast becomes red and hardened.

Home remedies

  • Nurse the baby : Mastitis usually indicates that there is a plugged milk duct in the breast. There is no better way to break up that clog than to have the baby nurse frequently. Although nursing may be painful during an active infection, it is still the best remedy for mastitis. Even with a conventional treatment of antibiotics, doctors typically recommend that patients continue nursing often to expedite the process.
  • Massage the breast : As the baby is nursing, massage the affected breast with your fingers. This will help to loosen the plugged milk duct. Massage from the outer breast towards the nipple, in the area that is infected.
  • Stuff your bra with cabbage leaves.: As unusual as it may seem, a raw cabbage leaf placed in the bra over the infection will work wonders in soothing the inflamed breast. A cool cabbage leaf acts as a cold compress to reduce inflammation. This cabbage treatment not only relieves breast tenderness, but also helps to unclog the milk duct to flush the infection.
  • Eat raw garlic : Eating a couple of raw garlic cloves a day is a natural alternative to taking antibiotics. Garlic is nature's own antibiotic, without the negative side effects of taking man-made medications. It is also safe to ingest while breastfeeding.
  • Take hot showers : Taking a hot shower and letting the water hit the affected breast will help to loosen the clogged milk duct, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain.
  • Get plenty of rest : As with any infection, the body is in overdrive working to get rid of mastitis. Getting plenty of rest is crucial in supporting your own immune system to fight the infection off as quickly as possible.
  • Take Echinacea : The herb Echinacea is an immuno-stimulator and assists the body in fighting off infections.Following a strict protocol using these remedies at the first sign of an inflammation can be just as effective as taking antibiotics. If mastitis still doesn't improve after attempting a natural treatment plan, contact your health care provider promptly before the infection gets worse.
  • Poke Root plays a role in helping to maintain the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system. It is especially indicated in mastitis, where it can be used internally and as a poultice.

As with every medical problem, the best cure for mastitis is prevention. Nurse often to prevent milk ducts from clogging. If the baby isn't nursing regularly enough, express your milk with a breast pump. Don't allow an ugly infection like mastitis to ruin the beautiful mother-child bonding experience that breastfeeding has to offer. With the remedies listed in this article, you can beat mastitis naturally and develop more fond memories of breastfeeding than foul ones.


At worst case scenario, untreated mastitis can result in an agonizing abscess which may need to be surgically removed or drained, and possibly require the cessation of breastfeeding all together. In addition to these direct symptoms on the breast, mastitis is often accompanied by a fever and malaise.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 30 January 2012, at 02:34