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Special Precautions of Pulsatilla

The benefits of Pulsatilla are

No other remedy is used more often for children. Match emotional indications first; if they fit, use even if physical symptoms don't fit. A common constitutional remedy, usually for girls, the keynote symptoms are emotional, sensitive, moody children who crave attention. Can be shy, weepy, clingy. Often has complaints after eating rich or fatty foods. Use for:

  • Earache - worse at night, may have yellow-green discharge from ears, hearing muffled
  • Colds - Nose sometimes stopped, sometimes runny with yellow - green mucous that doesn't irritate skin
  • Conjunctivitis - yellow-green discharge from eye
  • Fever - can feel child is chilled but she still wants open air, no thirst
  • Cough - dry cough at night, loose during the day
  • Upset stomach with bloating and gas, abdominal distention in children who are not thirsty. Better from standing and moving, worse resting, in the evenings.
  • Look for changeable symptoms, moods
  • Better from cold food, complaints improve outside/open air - worse from stuffy rooms, hot weather

Individuals often respond differently to disease, and in homeopathy this individual totality of symptoms is important in finding the right remedy. One thing that makes it easier to find the right remedy is to try a blend. There are several popular products that have several remedies in them, such as: teething tablets, cough syrups, calms forte, sniffles & sneezes, colic tablets, and many more. There are even homeopathic treatments for ADHD, Asperger's, as well as for developmental, learning, or speech disorders. It is a wonderful, inexpensive tool for parents who want to correct problems rather than treat symptoms, and offers a safe alternative to prescription drugs.

Last modified on 31 May 2012, at 13:55