Omega-3 fatty acids

Revision as of 02:07, 15 June 2012 by User1 (Talk | contribs)

See also :

Special Precautions of Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Omega-3 fatty acids can interfere with the blood's ability to clot, thus increasing the risk of hemorrhagic strokes. By inhibiting clotting ability, it can also raise the risk for internal bleeding. Supplements should not be taken by anyone on anti-coagulant medication, anyone who has a bleeding disorder, or anyone with uncontrolled high blood pressure, a condition that already places them at greater risk for a stroke. Fish oils also should be discontinued two weeks before having surgery and one week after, to prevent complications from the blood's decreased ability to clot.
  • Omega-3 acids are fats, and like all fats they contain large amounts of calories. Following some of the recommended dosage guidelines would add 200 calories a day to a person's diet. People taking supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids may need to change their diet to ensure they don't include too much fat, which could also cause health problems.

The benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids are

Consumption of omega 3 fatty acids that can be found in oily fishes and cod liver oil have been studied and proven to pose great benefits on the human body. According to studies, consuming a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids causes significant improvement in severely depressed persons, even better than what anti-depressants may give.

Last modified on 15 June 2012, at 02:07