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Special Precautions of Oregano

  • Oregano is one of the natural blood thinners.
  • Just remember oil of oregano should be diluted before applying it directly to your skin, Typically, this will be one teaspoon of olive or coconut oil per drop of oregano oil. Make oregano oil a regular part of your home first aid kit. Having a 50/50 mixture of olive oil and oregano oil already prepared will leave you prepared for health issues that arise.

The benefits of Oregano are

Originally coming from Europe, oregano has been recognized to bring a number of health benefits to a person. Aside from its pleasing aroma and strong flavor, oregano is famous for its powerful antibacterial properties. The volatile oils contained in oregano enable it to be capable of combating the harmful bacteria – including those kinds which can cause serious illnesses. Giardia, yeast infections, and amoeba are just some of the serious illnesses which can be prevented when oregano is consumed. For less serious cases such as cuts or bruises, oregano oil may be applied for cleaning the area and avoiding infections.

  • Oregano has four times the antioxidant activity of blueberries, 12 times that of oranges and 42 times that of apples.It's rich in anti-oxidant phytochemical flavonoids and phenolic acids. It is the third highest herb in oxygen radical absorbancy capacity (ORAC) with an impressive score of 200,129.
  • Oregano is one of the world's greatest sources of the powerful phenol component thymol. Thymol is great for improving digestive function as well as destroying harmful microbes.
  • the essential oil of oregano is a common remedy for bacterial, viral and parasitic infections.
  • Studies have shown that carvacrol, a phenol anti-oxidant within oregano has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activity when applied to food or taken in supplement form.
  • Oregano also contains rosmarinic acid which has very strong cancer fighting properties.
  • Aches and Pains : Whether arthritis, backaches, bursitis, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sore muscles, and sports injuries, oil of oregano can be used topically to penetrate the skin and help relieve the pain that may be causing your issue. Rub a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and organic olive oil onto the affected areas.
  • Cold Prevention and Treatment : When you begin to notice that itchy feeling in the back of your throat and feel a cold is on its way, place 3-6 drops of oil in an empty capsule and take 2-3x daily just before meals every day for 5-10 days.
  • Digestive Issues : Place 3-6 drops of oil in an empty capsule and take 2-3x daily, just before meals. The high levels of thymol and carvacrol found in the oil can help to calm upset stomachs and assist with digestion.
  • Ear Infection : Rub a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and organic olive oil on the outside of the ear. For children, a 25% oregano oil and 75% olive oil mix should be used. Never put oregano oil directly in the ear canal!
  • Insect Bites and Stings : Preparing for a hike? Take along a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and olive oil. It can help neutralize and extract the venom from any insect bite or sting, and may even assist with allergic reactions from wasp or bee stings. Simply apply to the swollen area.
  • Migraine and Sinus Headaches : The next time you get a headache, try rubbing a 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil between your eyebrows and on your forehead and temples (do NOT get any in your eyes!) You can also sniff the fumes of the oil to provide further assistance to your sinuses.
  • Minor Burns : Oregano oil can provide pain relief instantly and may prevent blisters. Combine 1 drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and apply to the affected area.
  • Mouth Sores, Abscesses, and Toothaches : Mix a drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and then swish it around in your mouth around your infected tooth or around diseased gums. You can also use it as a kind of medicated mouthwash. Take a sip of water, swish it around your mouth for 1 to 2 minutes, and spit it out. Repeat as needed daily.
Last modified on 25 July 2012, at 13:35