Sinus Infections

Revision as of 11:46, 4 March 2011 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)


Home remedies

  • Garlic and onion have medicinal properties to overcome sinusitis problems. You can take fresh cloves of garlic smash them and mix it to a glass of water and drink it. Take raw onion and cut it into two pieces. Now inhale the aroma of it. It will help heal infections inside your sinuses and nasal passage.
  • Licorice: The root part of this plant is used to fight sinus infections. It reduces inflammation and stimulates the immune system, which altogether helps in getting rid of sinus infection. Since, licorice is a powerful expectorant, it helps in thinning of the sputum in the nasal cavities, thereby allowing it to be expelled easily. Care should be taken while choosing this herbal remedy, as there are also licorice capsules available for treatment of stomach ulcers.
  • Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus, because of its strong antiseptic properties, has been used for sinusitis treatment. One can drink eucalyptus tea or inhale its steam. For inhalation, boil eucalyptus leaves in water and inhale the steam. Inhalation of eucalyptus helps in clearing the nasal passages and also in getting rid of the infection.
  • Mustard Seed: Take one tablespoon of mustard seed powder and boil in water. Boil until the water is reduced to half. Cool it down to warm temperature and put 1-2 drops in the nostrils with the help of a dropper. This will be helpful in clearing the nasal passages.
  • Ginger: Ginger is used for headaches and to get relief from nasal problems. It has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Mostly, ginger extract is used for curing sinus infections. Prepare extract of ginger by grinding raw ginger and take 1-2 teaspoons daily until you get rid of sinusitis. In addition, one can also take ginger tea regularly.
  • Cinnamon and Peppermint: Cinnamon and peppermint are other important home remedies. Cinnamon paste can be applied to the head and nose for pain relief. Since peppermint is anti-inflammatory, one can drink tea or inhale steam of peppermint for easy breathing and curing sinus infection.
  • steam bath is an effective cure for sinus infection. It stimulates the immune system that aids in early recovery from the infection. Also, the causal organisms are weakened or get killed at an elevated temperature. However people with fever, high blood pressure, heart diseases and pregnant women should not take steam bath.
  • Hot and cold water application is another natural cure for sinus. You can take a pan of hot water and wash your face with the hotness you can bear and immediately wash your face with cold water. This improves your body resistivity to sinus infections.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 4 March 2011, at 11:46