
Revision as of 03:48, 22 December 2012 by User1 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names: Lisimaquia, Lysimachia vulgaris, Lysimaque Commune, Yellow Willowherb, Jin qian Cao, Herba Lysimachiae, 金钱草, Nummalatria, N. vulgaris., Lysimachia (Primulacae), Money-wort, Creeping Jenny, Herbe aux-ecus, Monnoyere, Corneille, Chasse-bosse.

Special Precautions of Loosestrife

Although gold coin grass shows no major side effects, symptoms such as fever, headaches, nausea, vomiting, earaches and muscle pain have been reported. This may not be due to direct use of the herb, but as a result of the natural process of passing the stone, which releases chemical toxins into the body.

Benefits and uses of Loosestrife are

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vitamin C-deficiency (scurvy).
  • Wounds (applied directly to the skin)
  • Excessive bleeding (hemorrhage) including nose bleeds and heavy menstrual flow.
  • Promotes Urination, Unblocks Painful Lin Syndrome, Expels Stones.
  • Clears Damp Heat in the Liver & Gallbladder.
  • Reduces Toxicity and Swelling.
  • Liver Detox
Last modified on 22 December 2012, at 03:48