Fermented Black Garlic

Fermented black garlic is what you get when you leave regular garlic to ferment between seventy to eighty degrees Celsius for a month or more. The taste of fermented black garlic is unlike the garlic you are familiar with. Tenderly soft, a melt-in-your-mouth texture, plus a distinct absence of spicy and pungent flavor. But most importantly, it has a sweetness that is not found in raw garlic. So you can eat it as a snack without fearing of garlic breath. Alternatively, include it in your cooking to add a complex and sweet flavor to your meal. Whichever way you use it, some black cloves on your dinner table will likely become a conversation piece among your guests! Aged fermented garlic is available in cloves as well as capsules from brick-and-mortar as well as online health stores.
See also : Garlic

Special Precautions of Fermented Black Garlic

Health Benefits and uses of Fermented Black Garlic are

Garlic as we know it is a food as well as a herbal medicine used in the ancient times as well as today. And some of its health benefits come from the rich supply of sulfur compounds, such as allicin and s-allylcysteine. These compounds protect cells, cholesterol and blood vessels from oxidative damage and inflammation which when left unchecked, can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis and heart attack. Black fermented garlic reportedly has more antioxidants and higher free radical scavenging activities than raw garlic.


Last modified on 28 February 2015, at 09:04