Habanero Pepper

Habaneros are a variety of the Capsicum chinense species, which includes the 7-Pot varieties, the Bhut Jolokia, the Scotch Bonnet, and many others.
See also :

The habanero pepper is one of the hottest varieties of chili peppers. This chili pepper measures from 100,000 to 500,000 Scoville units compared with a jalapeno pepper, which measures 5,000 to 15,000 Scoville units. The Scoville unit of measure is directly related to a chemical called capsaicin. The higher the number of Scoville units, the greater the concentration of capsaicin.

Special Precautions of Habanero Pepper

Habanero is one of the hottest peppers known to mankind. If you are used to spicy foods, you may have enough of a resistance that it won't hurt u other than making ur mouth tingly and thirsty. You can decrease any negative effects by drinking milk or eating bread or rice with the pepper to absorb the spicy chemical called capsaicin. Do NOT drink water with the pepper as it will only spread the capsaicin around your mouth. If you are not used to spicy foods it can harm your mouth by causing blisters, extended soreness in your mouth and disabling your taste buds for up to a few days after. Worse harm the pepper can do is if u get it in contact with other parts of your body, it can cause a painful rash on your skin or burn your eyes if you touch them after you touched the pepper.

Benefits and uses of Habanero Pepper are

According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, capsaicin can be used as a treatment for a variety of medical disorders. Because of the high concentration of capsaicin, consumption of habanero peppers can promote several health benefits.

  • Prostate Cancer : Scientific studies have shown that consumption of habanero peppers can offer a beneficial effect against prostate cancer. A study performed by the Department of Hematology/Oncology at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, revealed that the oral administration of capsaicin significantly slowed the growth and proliferation of human prostate cancer cells. The results of this study is promising for the use of capsaicin during the management of prostate cancer. It should be noted that this study was performed on laboratory mice; however, the results are encouraging, and research continues on the effects of capsaicin on prostate cancer in the human population.
  • Obesity : Studies have indicated that the consumption of habanero peppers can be effective at fighting obesity because of the presence of capsaicin. According to the "Journal of Proteome Research," capsaicin increases thermogenesis throughout the body. Thermogenesis is the process in which the body raises its temperature, or energy output. Increasing thermogenesis increases the body's metabolism, which forces fat cells to be used as energy. The study published in the "Journal of Proteome Research" was performed by the Department of Biotechnology at Daegu University in Korea. The study confirms the presence of capsaicin increases thermogenesis and lipid metabolism, which is beneficial for the treatment of obesity.
  • Lowers Cholesterol : Many scientific studies have been performed to evaluate the effect of capsaicin on serum cholesterol levels. A study performed by J. A. Negulesco and published in "Artery" in 1985 revealed the daily administration of 8 mg of capsaicin effectively yielded a decreased plasma total cholesterol level, lower triglycerides and lower total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. The study states these result are because capsaicin inhibits the amount of cholesterol that can be absorbed by the intestines. This study was performed on rabbits; however, the results are encouraging for clinical trials to be performed on the human population.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure : There is scientific evidence showing that consumption of habanero peppers can be effective at lowering blood pressure because of the presence of capsaicin. A study published in "Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry" in June 2009 revealed that the administration of capsaicin raised levels of insulin-like growth factor. Insulin-like growth factor acts to reduce arterial blood pressure. The results of the study state that the presence of capsaicin was effective in lowering arterial blood pressure in hypertensive study subjects. The study also states that there were no blood pressure lowering properties when capsaicin was administered to study subjects with normal blood pressure.
  • Anti-inflammation effects : Regular consumption of habanero peppers can help individuals with joint problems such as arthritis because it has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to that, capsaicin in habanero peppers in an active ingredient in ointments and creams applied topically to alleviate arthritis pain. However, you should use such creams under a prescription from a doctor.
  • Reduces diabetes risk : Researchers suggest that habanero peppers can protect you against diabetes. Adding peppers to your regular diet significantly helps to reduce insulin release, thereby protect your from type 2 diabetes. In addition to that, they help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Last modified on 25 February 2018, at 08:28