

Other Names : Manilkara zapota, Chiku, Chikoo, chickoo, Sapota, Kali Patli, cricket ball, Baramati, Pili Patli, Dwarapudi, Chhatri
Manilkara zapota, commonly called chicle or sapodilla, is a slender, slow-growing, pyramidal evergreen tree that is native from southern Mexico to Costa Rica. With its roots in Mexico, Easter Guatemala and Belize (on the eastern coast of central America), the Colonisers took it to the Philippines from where it travelled to the rest of Asia, making its way into India only in the late nineteenth century.

Special Precautions of Sapodilla

Health Benefits and Uses of Sapodilla

  • rich in dietary fibre, may be used as a good natural laxative. Being having adequate fibre, it helps to aid in digestion thus relieves from indigestion and constipation.
  • Energy Provider : The natural fructose and sucrose content in sapota can give your body a lot of energy. So if you have a busy day ahead, grab a sapota before you leave home for an energy boost.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of tannins present in Chikoo reduce the chances of erosive gastritis, enteritis, irritating bowel and reflux-esophagitis and gastric disorders.
  • protects the inner lining of the mucous membrane of colon from carcinogenic toxins.
  • contains Tannin, a powerful antioxidants that acts as anta-acid and contend free radicals. Tannins are effective against many diseases ant acts as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic.
  • endowed with minerals such as potassium, copper, iron, folate, niacin, and pantothenic acid which are good for many metabolic body activities.
  • vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex. These vitamins and antioxidants boost immunity of the body and also good for hair and skin. Vitamin E in Chiku has a chemical compound alpha-tocopherol that might reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. Vitamin C helps to improve your immunity and also protect you from gout and cataracts. Vitamin C, also good to provide shining skin. The presence of vitamin is beneficial for vision. It also helpful for lungs.
  • Helps in Digestion : It keeps your digestive system in check, and prevents a condition that bothers urban India a lot - irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). And the dietary fibers make the sapota a laxative, therefore helping to fix constipation problems.
  • Boiled Semi-liquid of Chico skin may be given to children to control loose motion. The ingredient is also beneficial in case of fever.
  • Eating of Chico helps to relieve from congestion and cough. It is known as expectorant removal.
  • diuretic in nature, good in removal of waste products from the body by frequent urination. It helps in water concentration thereby prevents water retention.
  • good for lactating mother due to essential nutrients and carbohydrate. It helps in pregnancy by overcoming nausea and dizziness.
  • calcium, phosphorous, and iron : These nutrients are helpful in strengthening of bones.
  • When the crushed seeds of Chikoo are eaten, it helps to remove kidney and bladder stones because of its diuretic in nature.
  • Controls Weight : If you're on a diet, a sapota might work to rid your body of water retention. It regularises your metabolism, and works to your advantage if you're trying to lose weight.
  • Controls Blood Pressure : The magnesium in sapota keeps the blood vessels up and running, and the potassium regulates blood pressure and circulation. It's also good to treat anaemia with, as it's also rich in iron.
  • Beauty Benefits : Eating the sapota regularly helps to remove toxins from your body, and is thus great for your skin and hair; it keeps them healthy and moisturised. However, eat it for better results, instead of putting it on your face or in your hair, unless you're doing it every day. In fact the sapota is known as a 'happy' food; it helps promote the production of collagen, and prevents the growth of deep wrinkles. You'll thank it later when you're order.
Last modified on 2 January 2020, at 05:45