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Other names : Phytolacca Americana, Inkberry, Pocan, Pokeweed, Grubroot, Phytolacca Decandra, American nightshade, Bear’s grape, Cancer root, Jalap, Skoke, Crowberry.
Poke root is an American perennial shrub which grows in damp woodlands, hedges, and waste places. Though the plant may grow up to 3 meters in height, the most unusual physical feature is the large root with its irregular branches. The stems are erect, round, and hairless. They branch near the top and often have a reddish tinge. The short stemmed, light green leaves are 12-20 cm long, a pointed egg shape or oval, their margins entire and wavy. The leafless, flowering stems bears an extended spike of small, greenish-white flowers. The deep purple or black berries ripen in autumn. About 1 cm. in diameter, they contain a purple juice that makes a powerful dye. Unripe berries are slightly poisonous.

Physiological action: Phytolacca is broadly described as an alterative, a purgative, and an emetic. An alterative is an herb which will gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. They act to alter the body's processes of metabolism so that tissues can best deal with the range of functions from nutrition to elimination. Emetics are herbs that cause vomiting through irritation of the stomach or nervous system. A purgative is an herb which has the effect of causing rapid and violent diarrhea. In large doses phytolacca may produce gastro enteritis with concomitant vomiting and diarrhea. It acts as a depressant on the respiratory and cardiac centers as well as depressing the visual and auditory senses.

Special Precautions of Poke Root

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.
  • Although poke root, also called pokeweed, has several purported health applications, the substance is known as a highly toxic poison. Poisoning may occur whether you ingest it or use it on your skin. Some herbalists claim that poke root can help tonsillitis, infections, rheumatoid arthritis and even cancer. It also has been used to induce vomiting and to treat infections from fungi. However, many medical institutions recommend against using poke root for any reason. The University of Maryland specifically states that you should never ingest the roots of the plant and that any use of the plant is not safe.
  • Low Blood Pressure : Hypotension or low blood pressure may occur in your body if you ingest poke root. Low blood pressure means not enough blood and the oxygen it contains can reach all parts of your body. You may suddenly feel lightheaded or dizzy, and you may faint. Hypotension may prevent you from being able to concentrate normally, and it may send you into a state of depression. You may become very thirsty and your breathing may become shallow and fast. Your vision may blur and you skin may turn pale and cold. If hypotension results because of your ingestion of poke root, you will need medical attention.
  • Gastric Problems : Vomiting occurs as an intended effect of taking poke root, but the toxicity of the substance may cause it to continue. You may continue to vomit even beyond the point at which you have nothing left in your stomach to expel. Severe and prolonged vomiting can cause dehydration and bodily weakness. You may feel nauseous before you vomit, and you may experience diarrhea as yet another side effect of ingesting poke root. Seek immediate medical attention.
  • Seizures : The toxicity of poke root may disrupt the normal electrical activity in your brain, essentially short-circuiting it and sending you into seizures. Typically, seizures resulting from poke root use take the form of convulsions. You may or may not lose consciousness, but your body will twist and jerk without you being able to control it. You will need an ambulance or a friend or family member to get you to the emergency room of the local hospital for treatment.
  • Death : The ingredients in poke root appear so toxic that if you ingest it or use it topically, you may die. Pokeweed causes severe problems in your body as the toxins enter your systems and organs. Again, for this reason, medical experts recommend against any use of poke root.

The benefits of Poke Root are

Phytolacca is undoubtedly an excellent alterative stimulating metabolism and also acts as a detoxification agent. As an alterative it is used in chronic rheumatism and regular conjunctivitis. Used as an ointment it is used in psoriasis, tineacapitiss, favus, and sycosis, and other skin diseases. Specifically, Poke root is indicated in the treatment of the lymphatic system. Supporting this system is basic in most anti-cancer treatments as well as cleansing programs for a whole range of health problems. As an alterative, Poke root plays a role in helping to maintain the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system. It is especially indicated in mastitis, where it can be used internally and as a poultice. It is also an indicated remedy in the treatment of adenitis. Poke root has been indicated as a remedy in the treatment of cancer, with a success in alleviating certain forms. It has been used successfully when applied externally in cases of uterine cancer.

It has also been stated to be of undoubted value as an internal remedy in cancer of the breast. It is obvious that a great deal of success may be claimed but the actual documented proof seems to be low. Research is taking place into its physiological and biochemical function and initial results seem to indicate the Poke root has the effect of boosting the immune system through its interaction with the proliferation of T-cells.

Changes can be induced in lymphocytes by certain plant mitogens, one of the most important being phytohaemaglutinin (PHA). It is termed a polyclonal T-cell activator because it reacts with the T-cell surface nonspecifically (i.e. not as an antigen) and produces the same series of cellular events as does antigen, locking onto its specific surface receptor. Unlike the situation with antigen stimulation where only a small fraction of the cells are sensitive, PHA transforms a major portion of the T-cells. Additionally, some B-cells are affected although their response appears to be T-cell dependent. The picture is emerging that helper T-cells are preferentially stimulated by PHA> Poke weed activates both T- and B-lymphocytes.

It appears from the above discussion on the effect Poke root has on lymphocytes that its beneficial role in cancer is a legitimate one. It may be surmised as well that a number of other opportunistic infections and diseases, such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) may also be beneficially treated with Poke root as one of the therapeutic agents. In lymphatic disorders, Poke root is often used in conjunction with Cleavers or Blue Flag. Phytolacca is used homeopathically when the general symptoms of aching, soreness, restlessness, and prostration are present. It is pre-eminently a glandular remedy when glandular swellings are present with heat and inflammation. It has a powerful effect on Fibrous and Osseous tissues; fasciae and muscle sheets. It is also reported to act beneficially on scar tissue.