Sterculia Foetida

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Other Names : Sterculia foetida, Stinky sterculia, Wild Indian Almond, Peon, Poon Tree, Hazel Sterculia, Java Olive, Skunk Tree, Jungli Badam; Kudrapdukku, Pinari, Kokaru, Kukar, Goldhar.

Special Precautions of Sterculia Foetida

Benefits and uses of Sterculia Foetida are

Sterculic oil may aid in the treatment of certain Metabolic disorders :

  • Obesity : a study published in the journal Obesity in 2013 found that obese rats fed a sterculic-oil-enriched diet for ten weeks experienced improvements in metabolic health. Study results showed that treatment with sterculic oil led to a decrease in SCD1 activity, which appeared to help regulate blood sugar, reduce abdominal fat, and lower cholesterol levels.
  • In addition, a study published in ISRN Endocrinology in 2012 found that mice given sterculic oil for nine weeks had a decrease in liver inflammation and an improvement in insulin tolerance (a key marker of metabolic health).