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Special Precautions of Liquorice :

  • Do not use if you have hypertension, hypokalemia edema, cirrhosis of the liver, cholestatic liver disorder, and diabetes.
  • Long-term use of licorice can lead to fluid retention, increased blood pressure, loss of potassium and lowered libido as it contains isoflavones (phytoestrogens). It might lower the amount of serum testosterone slightly.
  • Pregnant women should not use licorice at medicinal doses. There is a danger of high blood pressure or of a hormone imbalance that would harm the fetus.
  • Anyone with a heart problem should use licorice only under medical supervision. Potassium depletion caused by licorice is especially hazardous for such patients. Anyone with pre-existing hypokalemia (low potassium) should not take licorice.
  • People with kidney Diseases, especially the elderly, may be at increased risk of side effects from this herb.
  • Gallbladder Disease and cirrhosis are considered contraindications for licorice.

The benefits of Liquorice are:

  • Licorice is used as a traditional treatment for gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Licorice Root has been used as a laxative; to adjust blood sugar, reduce pain from ulcer and arthritis.
  • Steep licorice root and blend with herbal teas to treat gastric disorders and to stimulate the kidneys and bowel.
  • The compound glycyrrhizic acid, found in liquorice, is now routinely used throughout Japan for the treatment and control of chronic viral hepatitis.
  • May be used as a topical antiviral agent for shingles, ophthalmic, oral or genital herpes
  • Licorice powder has been used externally to treat genital herpes and cold sores (herpes simplex virus). It is said to strengthen the nerves, promote the memory, and help in cases of liver disease.
  • In herbalism it is used in the Hoxsey anti-cancer formula, and is a considered adaptogen which helps reregulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. It can also be used for auto-immune conditions including lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis and animal dander allergies.
  • Useful in irritable conditions of mucous memberane of Urinary organs. Useful in sore throat, cough, anorexia and persistent low fever.
  • Recent studies indicate that glycyrrhizic acid disrupts latent Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS)
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is part of a traditional Chinese herbal mixture that is considered effective for psoriasis.
  • Bronchitis: Mix 5 grams of powdered licorice root with raw honey and take up to three times per day. The herb may also be chewed directly. Expectorant and anti-inflammatory, licorice makes an excellent remedy for persistent coughs and lung infections.
  • The herb is also said to reduce the incidence of asthma attacks.
  • Tea made from licorice and blended with other anti-spasmodic herbs is often recommended for menstrual cramps.
  • Detox: In certain Asian countries, licorice is used to rid the body of poisons such as salmonella or as an antidote to overuse of drugs.