Bell Peppers

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Bell Peppers

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Sweet bell peppers may sometimes be unpalatable to some people, but they are widely being used in many vegetable dishes because of its varied color. Bell peppers come from the nightshade plant family and they are scientifically known as Capsicum annuum. There are wide varieties of peppers. And they are being used in several dishes. Unknown to many, peppers offers several health benefits. Below are some that should be considered not just by those who love pepper but especially those who abhor this wonderfully nutritious vegetable.

Special Precautions of Bell Peppers

Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, and cayenne peppers are classified as nightshade foods. A particular group of substances in these foods, called alkaloids, can impact nerve-muscle function and digestive function in animals and humans, and may also be able to compromise joint function.

The benefits of Bell Peppers are

  • It has antioxidants : Just by checking out the vitamin C content of bell peppers, one can already deduce that it is a good source of antioxidants. According to the Food Rating System, a cup of raw bell peppers or 92.00 grams of the vegetable can already provide 195.8 percent of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to be scavengers of free radicals that are being produced after the oxidative process. Without t free radicals, there are lesser possibilities of degradation of the body cells. A cup of bell pepper also provides 57.6 percent of the daily value of vitamin A, another type of antioxidants.
  • But these are not all, bell peppers also boast of a large list of phytonutrients, from different flavonoids, to carotenoids to hydroxycinnamic acids. While studies are still in the process, bell peppers have all the potential to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, two of the most common debilitating disease at the present time. The vegetable also has great potential in eye health because of its large contents of lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids are concentrated largely in the centermost part of the retina of the eye, called the macula. It is therefore expected that the conditions such as the age-related macular degeneration, which is the number one cause of legal blindness in the elderly population, will be lowered in risk for those who are increasing their bell pepper consumption.
  • It is packed with Vitamins and Minerals : Bell pepper may only be treated by others as ornaments in several dishes, yet it is packed with varieties of vitamins and minerals which are necessary for one’s health. Aside from the vitamin C and vitamin A, bell peppers are also rich in B vitamins, such as thiamin or B1, riboflavin or B2, niacin or B3, pantothenic acid or B and pyridoxine or B6. B-vitamins play a large role in the metabolism of body cells. Although B vitamins are distinct from each other, all of them promote healthy muscle tissue, hair and skin. They are necessary in keeping an improved function of the nervous systems and the immune system. B vitamins are also necessary in the proper growth of cells, especially the red blood cells which is an important vehicle of the cells fuel. B vitamins are also associated in the prevention of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and pancreatic cancer. Bell peppers are also rich in E and K.A cup of raw bell peppers can already provide 7.2 percent of the required daily vitamin E. Bell peppers are also rich in minerals, such as molybdenum, potassium and manganese. Folate, which is necessary for the production of red blood cells and is also important to prevent build-up of heart-disease causing homocysteine, and fiber, can also, be received from bell peppers.
  • It helps with weight loss : Peppers are part of the capsicum family. And just like any of its capsicum cousins, bell pepper can also help in the reduction of weight. First evidence is the fact that a cup of bell pepper only contains 28 calories, or just 1 percent of the body’s calorie needs. Playing baseball catch or doing light housework only uses 28 calories, so a cup of bell pepper can be burned fast. Bell peppers also have zero fats, which makes it a good food for those wanting to lose weight. For carbohydrates, a cup of raw bell pepper only has 9 g. Lastly, this vegetable contains capsaicin.
  • There are several studies made which indicates that capsaicin is beneficial in losing weight. Capsaicin seems to reduce hunger pangs and increase the body’s expenditure of energy. In an experiment conducted to laboratory rats, those rats that are treated with capsaicin have reduction of body weight by 8 percent. It also showed some changes in the level of several proteins that are found in fat, meaning, these changed proteins seem to be breaking down fats instead of building it. Peppers which have high heat index seem to have higher tendencies to increase the rate of weight loss. Peppers such as jalapeno and cayenne can burn the most number of calories. Bell pepper has lesser heat index, but it is still a good source of food for those intending to trim those extra abdominal fats.
  • It helps relieve Pain : One of the important phytochemical compounds found in peppers is the luteolin. According to a study made by molecular biologist Daniel H. Hwang of the University of California – Davis, there are six natural compounds that are found in plants and which are acting as anti-inflammatories, one of them is called luteolin. During the inflammatory process, an enzyme called TBK1. TBK1 stimulates the inflammatory process that will trigger inflammation. One of the signs of inflammation is pain. If there is pain, it is more likely that there is inflammation. Luteolin is perhaps one of the best inhibitor of TBK1. Peppers are rich in luteolin. If there is increased consumption of pepper, there are more tendencies that pain is relived due to the power of luteolin.
  • It lowers cancer risk : Although studies are still being conducted regarding this matter, bell pepper has shown some potential to lower the risk of developing cancer. A body will usually develop cancer when it experiences chronic inflammatory processes and increasing rate of oxidative processes. While most cancer development is due to genetics, some are caused by external factors, such as the external free radicals. One solution is to alter the diet so as to reduce the oxidative process as well as the inflammatory process. Eating foods that is both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant can help reduce the risk of cancer development. Bell peppers are rich in phytonutrients and are therefore a perfect food option for those who want to be well and healthy.